27. bills and bars

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"You know, the two of you are probably breaking a bunch of rules by being together, right?" says Hermione. It's Saturday night, and the five of us are at the pub together.

"Let me guess, you've read the auror rulebook?" Ron asks her.

Hermione blushes. "Well, I thought I'd help you with keeping track of rules. Cause the two of you can't seem to follow them." She points at Ron and Harry, who both scoff.

"They haven't broken that many rules yet," Katie adds.

"I can think of several ones you don't know about," I mutter, thinking of the memory stealing incident. Harry blushes red, and Katie seems to have overheard because her mouth pops open in shock.

Katie leans on her elbow and studies us. "I've only had one pint, I'm not drunk enough to forget your confessions in the morning. So go on, tell me."

Hermione giggles and Ron looks like he's about to burst out laughing. I turn to Harry and find him red as a tomato. I mime locking my lips and Katie laughs.

"Well," Hermione starts. "Harry and Liz had their very first dance in this exact bar three weeks ago."

Katie gasps. "What else do you not tell me?" she inquires, shaking my arm.

"We did?" Harry and I ask simultaneously.

"You were both super smashed. Merlin, Hermione, do you remember how he was looking at her that night?"

I lean on my elbow and look at Harry. "How were you looking at me that night?"

"Let's just say... He asked us about five times if he should ask you to dance," Hermione says.

I purse my lips and smile. "That's adorable."

"I was drunk," Harry mumbles, but he pauses as if remembering something. "But, did you guys know, Liz shit talks?"

Katie giggles. "Did you get the herb talk that night?"

Harry nods, and I look around, confused. "The what?"

"Oh, sweetie," Katie says. "When you're drunk, you talk about herbs."

My eyes widen. "What?! And you never mentioned this?"

"It's precious," she replies. "Your herb puns are so stupid, but they always make me laugh."

I bury my head in my hands. "Katie..."

"Cmon, I'll take you to the bar," Katie pulls me up. "Next round is on us!"

"Here here!" Ron yells.

As we walk towards the bar, I say, "I'm never getting drunk again."

"No, honey, it's adorable! I'll get you another shot, come on."

"No, no, nuh-uh."

Katie hands the bartender some muggle bills. As we wait for the drinks, Katie speaks up again.

"The way he was looking at you just now..."


"Did you see the way Harry was looking at you? He looked at you like you were the only thing in the universe."

I pause. Harry thinks of me that way? We'd only been dating for a week now, it's nothing serious, is it? I must look so lost in thought because Katie waves her hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Liz?"

"Right, right, sorry. You said he was looking at me like..." I trail off and feel a smile coming on my lips.

"It's only been a week, don't tell me you're whipped!"

"I'm not whipped!"

"I can tell with you, and this boy has definitely got you hooked. I've never seen you like this!"

Well, soulmates do have the potential to do that to someone. The bartender returns with our drinks and we walk back to our booth.

Just when we make it back, Katie whispers in my ear. "He's looking at you like he's about to rip your clothes off." My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks turn red.

I playfully slap her arm and sit back down, next to Harry. His arm immediately curls around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. Katie passes out shots and everyone takes theirs. Mine sits, full and alone, on the table in front of me.

Katie pouts. "C'mon, take the shot already! We're sorry we poked fun at your shit-talking."

I flip her the finger and down my shot. "Fuck you. Harry thinks it's cute, don't you?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, absolutely adorable," Harry says. I tilt my head upwards, towards his, and our lips meet in a chaste kiss.

Katie checks her watch and her eyes widen. "Shit, shit! I told Daniel I'd be home by now! I'm so sorry guys, I've got to go!"

We all bid Katie our goodbyes and she runs out the door. I hear a faint pop, which must be her apparating.

Harry pulls me closer and leans his head on top of mine. I notice Hermione nudging her head at me and giving him an annoyed look.

"Hermione, you got something you wanna say?" I ask.

"Harry has something he wants to say, more like," she replies.

"I've got a proposition for you," Harry says.

"Oh yeah?"

"You should come with us to dinner tomorrow."

"Sure," I reply, not thinking it through. "Where we going?"

"Uh-" Harry stutters. "I-I know it's a bit soon, but I want to take you to the burrow."

I send him a confused look. "The what?"

"My parent's house," Ron says.

My eyes widen. Harry told me he hated living with his aunt and uncle, and the Weasley's, although not blood relatives, were as good as family to him. So, Harry wants to take me home to meet his family.

"I don't know," I stammer. "Isn't it too soon?"

"I don't think so, is it? I mean, Harry's only dated Ginny, and I took Hermione home back in the third year before we were even-"

"The point is," Hermione cuts in. "I've seen the way you look at each other. I think you two will be together a long time."

"And Hermione's never wrong," Ron interjects.

"Don't be silly, Ronald. No one is never wrong, I'm just correct most of the time."

"I'm just trying to compliment you," Ron frowns.

"Is this what you guys were talking about when Katie and I went to get drinks?" I ask.

"They ganged up on me," Harry murmurs.

"So, do you think I should meet your family?" I ask Harry.

"I... think... that..." Harry stretches out his words, clearly looking at Hermione for help.

"I agree with Hermione," he finally says. "I like you. I like you a lot. And I really hope this lasts."

Hermione looks like she's about to swoon, and honestly, I'm swooning too.

"I hope this lasts too," I choke out.

Harry's smile is so bright I barely register his hand tilting my chin up to meet his lips. They're as soft as ever, and Harry tastes like himself with a hint of whiskey. My lips part and his tongue snakes in, his hand moving to cup my cheek and move my face closer to his.

"Excuse me?" Hermione asks. "Ron and I never do that in front of you, so we should be saved," she gestures towards our faces, "that."

Harry groans out an apology and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Come over at 4, tomorrow?" he whispers in my ear. "We usually don't get there until 5."

"I'll be there even earlier."

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