46. spoiled

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The first week of January passes in a flash, and all of a sudden I'm at Malfoy Manor on January 6th, Draco's first day of training. I'd slept in my room here last night instead of Harry's because Draco had owled me at least ten times over the week to ask me to help him get ready for his first day. I mean, who needs help getting ready for a job?

Draco's been livid since I got here, fussing about his outfits for the week and asking way too many questions about my first day. He's insisting I take him half an hour earlier to give him a personal tour.

"That's not how it works, they give you a tour," I say, exasperated.

"I don't want to get lost!"

"Did you not hear what I just said? They give you a tour!"

"And?" He looks at me with such annoyance I need to resist the urge to hex him.

"I'm not giving you a tour if they already give you one."

"That's so unfair!"

"No, it's not. You're just spoiled. Normal people don't get private tours."

Draco smirks. "But I have you. Can't I just use my resources?"

I sigh. "If you finish picking out your clothes in the next couple minutes, then you might."

"I'm not going to finish in the next few minutes."

"Then I'll just leave without you." I check my watch. It's already 8:10, and Draco's tour starts at 8:30. My first training class starts at 9:00, but Ron, Harry, Katie, and I usually meet in the Atrium for coffee earlier. "If you don't hurry up, you'll be late."

"No! It starts at 9!"

I groan. "Nope, it starts at 8:30."

Draco's eyes widen. "You're joking."

"No, I'm not."

"Shit!" he yells, "I wanted to be early!" and practically runs out the door into the hallway.

"Merlin," I mutter under my breath and follow him. Draco, who's now reached the floo, is struggling to put on his trench coat while layering a warming charm at the same time. "Relax. You'll be fine."

"No, I won't!" he complains. "How many ex-death eaters are there in the auror department?"

I put my hand on my hip and narrow my eyes. "Two."

Draco glares at me. "That people know of?!"

"Stop it, okay? It'll be fine. And if you have any problems, if someone bullies you or some shit like that, tell me."

"Good. I'm expecting your new friends to torment me the worst."

"They've agreed to be nice if you're nice back," I offer.

"At least I've got you. And Katie. I always liked her."

I laugh. "Everyone likes Katie."

"So you can come to sit with me? At lunch today?"

I sigh. "Yeah. I'll bring Katie with me."

"Good," he says, and walks backwards into the fire.

• • •

Ron noticed me talking to Draco in the Atrium and he isn't taking it well.

"You're friends with Malfoy?" he bellows, once we'd made it to the safety of our office.

I shrug. "So what?"

"S-so what?!" he stutters. "That git has been bullying us since the first year!"

"Harry's fine with it."

"I'm fine with what?" Harry asks, walking into the office with two to-go cups in his hands. He hands me one, and I take a grateful sip of the hot fruit tea they sell in the Atrium.

"Thank you, sweetie," I mumble, pecking Harry on the cheek.

"Fine with your girlfriend being friends with Malfoy," Ron grumbles.

"What?" Harry looks at me, confused. "How would Ron know that?"

"Draco started work here today," I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Harry's eyes widen. "What?"

"I told you this weeks ago! It felt like the modest thing to do, and I felt kind of bad-"

"You never said anything about that!" Harry exclaims.

"Yeah, I did," I retort. "He starts training today so I was just giving him a little tour, that's all."

"That's all," Harry echos. "Ron, can you go get me some breakfast from the break room?"

"Do it yourself," Ron grumbles.

"Ron," he enunciates. Ron looks up from his plate of lemon bars, stunned. He slowly stands up and walks towards the door. When it finally clicks shut, Harry glares at me.

"What?! He's my friend, and he just got a job!" I defend myself.

"Is that where you were last night?" Harry asks calmly. "You weren't home."

"Yeah, as a matter of fact. I was helping one of my best friends get ready for a job."

"A best friend you used to be engaged to!"

"Are you jealous?"

"I'm not jealous!"

"Then why do you think I'm cheating on you?"

Harry looks like he's about to say something else, but he stops, eyes wide. "I-I don't think-"

"Good. Cause I don't love him, I love you," I say softly.

"I know," he stammers, "but he's such an asshole to me and it's really unfair that you're still friends with your ex-"

"Oh, don't be a hypocrite. You're still friends with Ginny!"

"That's different! She's like family. But, it's just that Malfoy's always been such a prick and you want us to be friends? He probably hates me even more now!"

"Not friends," I huff. "I know that's not happening. But at least be civilized. I talked to Draco, and I know Ron won't take it well, but it would mean the world if you were nice to him!" I pout.

Harry groans. "Fine. Can I at least rub it in my face that you're my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen. "No! He doesn't know. Don't be mean."

"He doesn't know?" he whispers.

"I mean, I didn't want to piss him off..."

"Can I tell him?" he asks eagerly.

"No!" I insist. Draco can't know. He's bound to let something slip, and I don't want Harry to know the true reason why we broke up just yet. "I will. When the time is right."

The trouble is, that's what I've been telling myself for months. And if the time isn't right soon, everything might just slip out.

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