4. q & a

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The four of us sit around the table in the middle of our office, which is currently laden with takeout boxes from a Thai restaurant and iced coffees from a cafe up on the muggle street. Katie explains that we would usually go to the cafeteria, but that it seemed like a better idea to apparate up to the street to avoid the reporters.

"It's time for icebreakers," Katie says. "This isn't a suggestion, it's an order. Let's play truth, but everyone has to answer the questions. Fair?" We nod. "Good. I'll start... Age and relationship status?"

I roll my eyes, "Smooth, Katie."

"I'm just interested!" she laughs. "You have something you're hiding?"

"No. I'm 18 and happily single, thank you very much," I reply. 

"I'm 18, but I, unlike you, am happily taken," Ron answers.

"I'm single, actually," Harry sighs. "Keep that under wraps, please. I don't need the world to know."

The burn in my heel heats up as if it's daring me.

"No way!" Katie exclaims, narrowing her eyes. "Who broke up with who?"

"It was mutual," Harry shrugs. "We're still good friends."

"Ah, okay," Katie mutters, obviously disappointed. Katie's a bit of a gossip, so she was probably hoping for some drama. "Well, I'm 19 and I'm taken."

"How's Daniel?" I ask. I can't remember how many times Katie brought him up back at school. If I remember correctly, they've been together for almost two years.

"Yeah! We just bought a flat together, isn't that exciting?"

I nod enthusiastically and take a big bite of my pad see ew. Inspired, I ask the group, "Favorite food or cuisine. Go."

"Italian. Pesto pasta," Katie answers, mouth full of food.

"Everything, but I love my mum's cooking."

"I'll agree with that. Mrs. Weasley is a fantastic cook. Liz?"

"Coconut rice," I reply, and Ron hums in agreement.

Harry chews his lunch and swallows. "What's one place you've always wanted to visit?"

"America. I want to visit New York."

"I've been," says Katie. "It's really loud and smells like shit, but the wizarding parts are clean and the people are great. I'd like to go to Japan."

"I've been to a lot of places," I add, "But I've always wanted to go to Paris. My dad loves to travel, and he'd already been by the time I was born."

"I'd go to Paris too, I think," Harry agrees. "I've got many places on my list. I've never been outside the UK."

"Last question," says Ron, "Favorite place in the world? I'd say... my bed, probably."

"Hogwarts," Harry replies with no hesitation. Ron laughs.

"My bed," Katie yawns.

"The Ravenclaw common room. I haven't been back since the battle, though. I hope it's still the same." Ron looks at me like I have three heads. "What?"

"You talk about it as if it was nothing."


"What he means is, you talk about the battle as if it was nothing," Harry says. The burn inches up my calf as if disappointed.

"Oh. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

"You should be," Ron snaps.

We sit in silence, eating our food, for a minute before Ron speaks up again.

"With all due respect, Liz, what are you doing here? Harry and I, we worked hard, finding Horcruxes during the war... What did you do to get this job?" Ron asks.

My eyes go wide and my teeth clench. "With all due respect," I fume, "You weren't the only ones who risked your lives during the war."

"So what did you do? Were you part of the order? Did you fight with us or with your death eater father?"

He didn't. I try my best to stay calm, taking deep breaths through my nose and mouth. "I earned my spot here fair and square."

"That doesn't answer the question."

"Ron..." Harry warns

"No, Harry, let's see what she has to say for herself."

"Do you think Kingsley would give me this job if he didn't trust me? Not everyone is like their family!"

"You're ignoring the question! Did you fight with us or not?"

"Of course I fought with you! If I was in leagues with the death eaters, I wouldn't be here right now!"

"You're related to one!"

"You shouldn't judge someone based on their family," I exclaim. "I still think my father's a great man."

"How can you defend him?"

"How can you scold him, without even knowing him?"

"Those death eater sort are all the same, their families too, a right load of pureblood a-"

"Ron, that's enough," Harry starts, obviously agitated. "Liz isn't like her father, let it go."

Ron stands there, hands balled into fists, before wringing them out.

"I'm sorry. It's just that... my brother... he was killed by a death eater... so it's hard to see another point of view. I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Katie's watch beeps suddenly, startling us. "We've got five minutes until the defense lesson. Grab your wands and robes, let's go."

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