34. hallows eve ball

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Harry and I arrive separately to the first annual Hogwarts Hallow's Eve Ball. Harry goes to change in the boy's dormitory with Ron and his friends, and Hermione gives me a special tour of the Gryffindor common room. I marvel at it. It's smaller than the grand Ravenclaw common room, but just as comfortable and cozy. Unlike my old common rooms walls, which are filled to the brim with books and bookshelves, the Gryffindor common room is laden with artwork and paintings, depictions of sword fights, famous heroes, and landscapes. Plush sofas and armchairs are strategically placed around the room, but not one is in use. The room is nearly empty and clearing out.

Hermione pulls me out of the common room and leads me up the stairs to her dormitory. Hermione's sharing a room with Ginny and some other 7th year girls I don't know. However, their roommates had already gone downstairs, so it was just Hermione, Ginny, and I getting ready.

"So, what am I wearing tonight?" I ask. Hermione and Ginny had asked to dress Harry and I for the Ball, and neither one of us has got a clue what we're wearing.

Ginny sends me a devilish grin and takes a garment bag out of the wardrobe. "Close your eyes."

I close my eyes and hear the rustling of cloth before Ginny says "Open."

Inside, there is a beautiful silk dress. It's pale blue, painted with shining scales, and the sides flare with stitched on fins. The neckline sits more as one of a jumpsuit, ending strapless at the top of my breasts. A pair of blue silk gloves sit adjacent to the dress, wrapped in white tissue paper.

Hermione and Ginny have turned me into a mermaid.

The two can barely contain their smiles, and honestly, neither can I. I envelop the two in a crushing hug.

"It's... wow."

"Harry's gonna shit his pants," Hermione says, and we laugh.

I gingerly pet the fabric with one hand. The material is soft and smooth, sliding through my fingers.

"Where'd you get it?" I ask. I'd given them money to go out and get my costume for me.

"This new, cute boutique in Hogsmede."

I raise my eyebrows. "How much?"

"Not too much?" I narrow my eyes at Ginny. "Not too much for you!"

I can't help but giggle. "I must say, you've got great taste. What's Harry going as?"

Hermione and Ginny exchange a look. "Something that matches, but not overly so, so it's not obvious," Hermione responds. "You'll see when we get downstairs."

"Well, let's get dressed, then?"

Ginny squeals and flies into action. I've never been one for makeup and dressing up, so they'd promised to help me out tonight. Hermione starts on my hair, which is damp from washing, and Ginny starts on my face. She takes out bottles and creams, jars of powders and brushes. I've never been a fan of makeup, but Ginny seems so excited to apply it on me that I give in and let her do whatever she thinks would look best. They both work diligently, Ginny dabbing the makeup on my face and Hermione fussing with my hair, and are done quickly, within fifteen minutes.

"Can I look?" I ask.

"No!" they both object simultaneously. "You've got to put on the dress first."

I sigh and slip into the dress, pull on the gloves. It fits perfectly, and when I turn towards them they let out a gasp.

"Harry is definitely gonna shit his pants."

"Let me see!" I complain, and Ginny conjures a tall mirror in the center of the room. My jaw drops.

My face makeup is light, but my eyes are dark, backed by blue-green hues and dark eyeliner. My hair has been dried and curled, hanging out free behind my shoulders. It's drawn backward by some sort of spell, because no matter which way I turn, it doesn't fall over my shoulders. The dress itself looks amazing; the red in my hair sets off the dress, which accentuates my curves. The scales on the dress shimmer with my every movement and the fins move side to side as I walk. There are even pockets on each side, where I immediately store my wand.

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