authors note!!!

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Hi y'all, it's Lola!

Wow, we're finally at the close. Thank you so much for reading my story!

I posted the first few chapters of the one on November 1, 2020. It's been an interesting 8 months since then, with writer's block and school and the pandemic, but I've managed to fit everything I wanted to into this story.

It might feel like I ended at a bit of a weird point, but I honestly do not know what to add on next. However, the story isn't over yet! There will be at least one epilogue, so stay tuned.

I actually came up with the entire plot of this book while trying to fall asleep. In fact, the scene in chapter 51 was a dream I had, which I then built a storyline for.

Before you head off to read the epilogue, please comment any questions you have, or storylines you'd like me to clear up.

If you spot any plot holes or inconsistencies in the timeline, PLEASE TELL ME! These bother me so much and I will get them cleared up!!!!!!!

If you have questions about Harry and Liz's future, I'll be happy to answer them here!

This story is 62 thousand words, and I'm grateful that you decided to join me on this journey and read them.

Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comments and votes, which have helped me get through writing slumps along the way!

If you liked this story, please share, vote, or comment. It makes my day to hear from my readers.

- Lola <3

the one | h. potterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant