5. come over early?

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The next month passes slowly. In the mornings we work on old Auror cases and in the afternoons we take classes; learning new transfiguration disguises, acting, defense spells, and tactic lessons. By the end of our first month, Kingsley puts the three of us through a mission simulator to test our knowledge. I rank miles higher than Ron and considerably higher than Harry, both who seem to be struggling in the classes without Hermione.

Since the four of us spend most of our days together, we become fast friends. On a Friday in late August, after we're done for the day, Harry invites us to his house at for dinner.

"Since we're going to be working together for a while, Ron and I were thinking about having dinner, the four of us plus Hermione. Tomorrow night at six." Harry tells Katie and me. "She's going back to Hogwarts next week."

"Why is she going back to school and you two get to have jobs?" Katie asks, crossing her arms.

Harry shrugs. "I dunno. I guess Hermione wants to finish school before she gets a job."

Ron comes up behind him and snorts, "Between us, she just wants to show off all the Outstandings she'll get on her N.E.W.T.'s."

"I take it Hermione's the smart one in the group?" I ask.

"Hey! We're smart too!" Ron pouts.

"Oh yeah? I heard you two talking the other day about how much you miss copying off her in class," I retort.

"We wouldn't have said anything if you two would've helped us out a bit!"

I mimic a shocked expression. "You really think you could cheat off of us? We're Ravenclaws, we value integrity."

"How is it you're so good at everything? You weren't top of the class at Hogwarts," Harry asks. The look he sends my way makes the flames at the back of my heel dance.

"Some choose to keep their abilities to themselves," I grin, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

"Do they now?"

"Not really. I just got a lot better at magic once I became of age."

"You wouldn't mind helping us though? I mean, you said you'd teach me wandless magic ages ago..." Harry sends me horrible, unconvincing puppy dog eyes and I giggle. The flames at my heel rise to my knee. I know that if I decline, I'll be in for a painful evening.

"Sure. I could come over an hour early for dinner if you want?"

"Ooooooo," Katie says, "Make it two. Have some fun, for once, huh?" She bumps my shoulder and winks. Harry's cheeks redden.

"We'll give you two some alone time, don't worry," says Ron. Harry punches his shoulder.

I clear my throat. "So, tomorrow at..."

"Four-thirty?" Harry asks.


"We'll be sure to arrive 30 minutes late," Ron jokes and Katie snorts.

I roll my eyes and drag Katie over to our side of the room. I summon her coat and purse, and they fly into her chest. I grab my stuff and pull her out the door.

"You and Ron have been acting suspicious lately."

"You and Harry would make such a cute couple though!" My face burns bright red and I curse myself for letting my composure slip. "See? You just blushed!"

"So? Anyone would blush if you shipped them with him!"

"Liz, you are so hopeless when it comes to men! Have you ever been in a serious relationship before?"

My eyes widen, but then I remember she doesn't know about Draco. "Of course I have!"

"With who? You've never mentioned anyone to me!"

Something in my composure looks off, so after I stay quiet for a couple of seconds, Katie seems to understand.

"When?" she asks, quieter.

"During the war. It's not important anymore, we broke up."

"How long were you together?"

"A year or so."

"Was it serious?"

"I guess so. We're still good friends." I purse my lips. "Don't mention this to anyone, okay?"

"What, you don't want Harry to know?" Katie wiggles her eyebrows.

At this point, we've already reached the Floo point. I look at her.

"Something like that."

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