52. the exposé

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Harry slowly takes my hand to try to help me stand, a new technique we've been trying so that I can recover from these 'episodes' faster. Katie's looking at me like I'm insane, her previous question still unanswered.

"What the hell was that?" Katie repeats, looking cross. "Why did you just... How did you fucking fly?! Why was Draco even mad? Why was-"

"Katie..." I start.

"No. You rest," Harry says. "It's complicated. I'll tell you later."

"I just saw my best friend fly, Harry. I can tell it's complicated. But I think it's time for an explanation."

"I was assaulted by a stream of crying girls when I tried to get Liz her tea this morning," he says, speaking through a clenched jaw. "I want to read whatever that bitch Rita Skeeter wrote."

"It's all about your affair, the forbidden love, and Liz's audacity to kiss you in public." Katie grabs the paper from my desk and holds it behind her back. "Answer my question first."

He sighs. "Alright. She flies when she experiences a rush of negative emotion, like fear, anger, pain. Now hand me the paper."

"But why?"

"Mum did the same thing with dad," I say, and they both turn towards me. "Give him the damn paper."

Katie frowns and tosses it to Harry, who catches it and sits down next to me so we can look at it together.

The Savior's Secret Girlfriend

By Rita Skeeter

All along, the rumours were true! At long last, we know the name of Harry Potter's super secret girlfriend; and it's none other than the one I predicted last Halloween! Liz Smith, the youngest descendant of Merlin, is reportedly in a relationship with our favorite hero.

The pictures above show our two new favorite lovebirds having the time of their lives at the Victoria Embankment Gardens on the River Thames this Sunday night. Mr. Potter and Ms. Smith certainly look cozy, don't they? Our sources tell us that the two have been together for months, but the couple hasn't responded to our owls.

What you all must be thinking is, why Liz Smith? Why would Harry Potter choose her? Well, looking into her troubled past, no one really knows. Smith was accepted into the early Auror training program on seemingly no grounds. She is the Pureblood heir to the Smith and Colt fortunes, as well as the heir to the Merlin magical line, a former Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School, and a good student, according to her marks. She remained mysteriously absent during the Second Wizarding War.

Eric Smith, Liz's father, is a known Death Eater and is currently serving 25 years in Azkaban for possession of the dark mark and use of illegal dark curses. Lily Smith (formerly Colt) died of Dragon Pox in 1987, leaving her daughter the only heir to the Merlin line and with a magnitude of magical prowess seen in only the most powerful wizards and witches throughout history.

Ms. Smith is certainly a high ranking member of the wizarding community. With a bloodline and inheritance like hers, she isn't boring. However, her familial background concerns many.

We wonder, along with you, reader, why Mr. Potter would pick someone with direct relations to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I stop reading after that.

"It's not terrible," I admit. "I was expecting worse."

"Not terrible?" Harry fumes. "She makes fun of your family! Your dad!"

"It's fine," I say. "It was bound to get out anyway. Nothing here is an outright lie, though."

"Should I send Hermione a patronus? She'll go down to the office and set it all right, I promise," Harry replies, both hands on my shoulders.

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