2. an explanation

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"Cleared of all charges."

Kingsley's gavel bangs as whispers ignite throughout the courtroom. I see the two guards that lifted Draco's iron cage unlock it with their wands, and lead him, still cuffed, to a room behind the courtroom. As the courtroom begins to clear, I discreetly follow them into the room.

Once the door closes, I see him. Turned away from me, looking down at his hands, which have been uncuffed.


He turns and his eyes snap to mine.


Before I know it, I'm in his arms. He kisses my head and holds me tight and I feel myself hug him back even tighter. I missed him so much.

"You smell so good," he says into my hair. I laugh into his chest. "I love you so much."

I smile. "Let's get you back home."

An hour and a Floo ride later, we arrive at Malfoy Manor. I've been fidgeting with everything, my collar, my hair, my bracelets, my mother's ring.

Draco grabs my arm and pulls me into another hug.

"You've gotten skinnier," I notice.

"The Azkaban diet isn't exactly healthy," he sighs. "But I guess you'll just have to feed me more."

I cringe. "Draco, we need to talk."


"You've been away for over a month."

"Yes, thank you, I am aware."


"What? What did you do? Did you break something? Do something? Did something happen? I'm not going to be mad at you, ever, because I love you and I won't ever stop-"

"Stop." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You're gonna hate me."

"Did you lose the engagement ring I gave you? You're not wearing it right now, so you lost it right? That's ok, that's-"

"No. Stop." I take his hands in mine. "Listen."

"I'm listening." He looks into my eyes and squeezes my hand.

"I didn't lose the ring."

"That's great."

"It's just..."


"Mom told me I was supposed to feel it, but I was wrong. My judgment was wrong." I'm pacing in circles at this point.

"What does this have to do with your mom?"

"My mother was a descendant of Merlin."

"I know that."

"She used to tell me these stories, about her and my dad, when they first fell in love."

"Liz, your mom's dead. She died when you were seven."

I glare at him. "Thanks for that. Now, won't you just shut up and listen?" Draco nods. "Good." I take a deep breath. "I read it in a book again recently. It's a myth; that all ordinary soulmates should be able to find each other at one point or another. But I'm not ordinary, am I? I can feel them."

"What does that mean?"

"During the Battle, at Hogwarts, I figured out who my soulmate was. Just like my mom did with my dad."



"And I take it, it's not me?"

"No, it's not."

"I still love you, Liz. We don't have to be soulmates to be happy together."

"I'm sorry, Draco." I take the ring he gave me out of my pocket. It's silver, with a single diamond surrounded by four small emeralds. "You're still one of my best friends."

"No. You can't." I look back up at Draco, his eyes full of tears, "Please."

"I'll always love you," I whisper. "Just... platonically."

"What if it doesn't work out? What if whoever your soulmate is doesn't love you back?" he cries. "You can't do this to me! I just got out of Azkaban, and my fiance is breaking up with me? Are you mad?"

"Stop yelling, Draco, please."

"I love you! Whoever he is, he doesn't! I love you."

My arm twitches. I take a deep breath and make direct eye contact with Draco; his eyes are stormy, but as soon as they meet mine they soften.

"Please," he whispers.

"I- I can't avoid him."


"I saw him at your trial. All he did was look at me- nod in my direction, and it burned."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"My ankle... it just burned. Like a stinging curse, but one that lasted for hours."

Draco looks speechless. "Has this happened before?"

"At the battle. My soulmate must have gotten injured, because I almost fainted in your mother's arms."

"Who is he?"

"Not important. But it meant something." I take a deep breath. "I can't avoid him forever. Avoiding him will make the pain even worse."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to stop avoiding him." I open Draco's palm and press the ring into it.

"Don't give this back to me. Keep it. What am I going to tell my mother?"

I smile. "So you understand?"

"No. And I don't like it. But if that's what you want, I'll support you, wholeheartedly. I'll be there for you if it doesn't work out and I'll be there if you need someone to talk to."

"Aw," I slap his arm. "How did I get so lucky to have a friend like you? You're the best," I say playfully. Draco glares at me.

"You're the worst. Now feel free apparate back to your own house before I start yelling at you."

I laugh and hug him. "Well, before I go, I wanted to tell oyu Kingsley offered me a job. I know I only just turned 18 and I didn't take my N.E.W.T.'s, but he wants me to be an Auror. Thinks it'll work out well cause of my experience. So I start my enhanced training next week! Isn't that exciting?"

"That's great, Lizzie."

"It is. But don't call me Lizzie."

"Right. I'll see you around?"

"I'll be back tomorrow for breakfast if you want me to."

"See you at breakfast, Lizzie."

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