Ch. 5 "Help"

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                                                           Jayden POV 

So it has been a few days since my encounter with Cap and Tony, but I can't help a strange and unary feeling, like I'm being followed, I am on edge because of it, 

It could be nothing or it could be HYDRA trying to take me back to horrible place, I thought 

As I was in deep thought I failed to notice the set of footsteps behind me before it was too late, 

someone grabbed my wrist, 

I spun around to see, a woman with long dark hair, and a man with white hair his outfit was blue, 

"You sure this is her sister?" The man said 

"Yes, Steve and Tony were very descriptive," The woman said 

Oh so they are with Tony I'm not so sure who Steve is Maybe Cap? I thought 

I smiled at them then teleported The woman was with me though since she had a grasp of my wrist, 

She let go probably a little disoriented from the trip, 

"Sorry about that, I had fun but I gotta go bye bye," I said waving at her then teleporting, 

When I returned to my abandoned home, As I walked in the room I got that weird feeling again, and soon regretted not following my instinct, 

Four Men, armed, and baring the HYDRA symbol, 

"Look who finally showed up," One mad said 

I backed up, 

"Now you can come quietly and no one gets hurt or..." He said smirking 

"Or we can do it the fun way," He said pulling out a collar that prevents me from teleporting and is extremely painful, 

"No!" I said running 

I heard the gun shots as I ran, some hitting the cement others flying past my head, 

"Get back here!!" The leader yelled 

I ran but I can only go so far, you see I have very very bad asthma, and if I run too much let's just say it's not pretty, 

I was slowing down, next thing I feel is a hot pain in lower stomach right near my hip, I fell to the ground, They started approaching fast, I knew If I didn't do something fast I would be back in a cage in HYDRA, 

So I imagined the only place that could help me, and I teleported, I never teleported this far before, but it was a risk I was willing to take, 

                                           Steve POV 

Me, Tony, Wanda and Pietro were in the conference room, 

"What do you mean you lost her?" Tony said 

"I mean the kid teleported me to a tall roof and then teleported again and she was gone poof," Wanda said 

As we were discussing this we heard a loud crash in the main room, I looked at everyone

"Sigh I'll go check it out," I said 

Tony nodded 

As I got to the main room I was not prepared for what I found, 

Jayden, she was on the ground holding her lower stomach at her hip, 

I approached her, she slowly slid back on her bottom, until her back hit the wall, 

"Hey, hey it's alright let me see," I said pointing where her hand was covering, 

I grabbed her hand lightly and lifted it and see a bullet wound, 

"Help me," she whispered before collapsing 

but I caught her before her head hit the hard floor, 

"FIRDAY get Bruce," I said carrying her as I ran 

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