Ch. 6 "The past"

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                                                     Jayden POV 


The fire was blazing hot, I coughed as I kept my hand over my mouth, Daddy and mommy were guiding me to safety, 

when all of a sudden a few men in dark suits attacked 

"Daddy!" Yelled as the gun shot echoed through my ears, 

Mommy stood in front of me protectively, 

"Give us the child," One man said 

"No, you are not getting her," Mommy said sternly 

The fire started getting higher, the smoke got thicker and it got hotter, 

"You don't have much time before the fire kills you both," The man said 

"I don't care your not laying your dirty hands on my daughter," Mommy said 

Then a gunshot echoed through the house, mommy fell to the floor, 

"Mommy!" I yelled 

"Grab the child," The man said 

"No!" I yelled about to run only to feel something get jabbed into my neck and everything went black, 

My heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, I was strapped to a metal table, 

"Great timing subject 21," He said as he grabbed a needle 

I struggled against the restraints 

"Where am I? why am I here?" I said struggling 

"You are going to be our greatest asset, you see we did have the winter solider but we want more, Children survive the serum better and also,  we decided children are easier to manipulate," He said walking towards me slowly with the needle 

"No! No! I don't want it!!" I said struggling 

The man jammed the needle in my neck, causing me to scream, as the burning blue liquid entered my body which caused me to scream louder, 

                                                End Nightmare 

My eyes shot open, 

Beep, Beep, Beep, 

I looked around, I am in a hospital bed, there is a strange man with glasses at a computer, I sit up quickly 

Bad vibes! bad vibes! I thought because of the memory I see the hallway and teleported, you see yes I can only teleport to what I see, but if I've been there before, like for instance like yesterday while I was a few miles away from the tower I just had to picture the room and can teleport to that place, I thought as I ran down the hallway, 

I looked around in a panic, my breathing ragged, 

"Okay, okay lets think this over calmly and rationally," I said 

"Maybe you should start by going back to bed," I heard behind me, 

I spun around to see Tony and Cap, 

I backed up a little, 

"Easy kid, you don't want to rip those stitches, it took us a while to dig that bullet out of you," Tony said 

I was looking around I think Cap figured out what I was about to do, 

"Jayden don't we just want to talk," He said kneeling in front of me, 

"Is that okay?" Cap asked 

I hesitated 

Then finally nodded,

"Good because we've got a lot to talk about starting with how you got that injury," Tony said pointing to my stomach

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