Ch. 38 "Celebration"

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                                               Jayden POV 

It has been a few days since Tony and Steve told me and right now well Tony is throwing a party, Celebrating the occasion, Everyone was having a blast, 

Pietro was dancing like a fool with a few women, 

Wanda and Vision were sitting on the couch flirting, 

Nat and Bruce were at the bar, 

Thor and Loki were arguing as usual, While Clint tried to break it up, 

Peter was talking to Tony, 

And Steve, Sam and Bucky were talking, there were many people here, I haven't seen a party like this, since that time I accidentally teleported into a night club, 

It wasn't very fun most the the women were in their undies, must have been some fancy sleep over party or something, 

Music was blaring, people were playing games, while others were stuffing their faces and drinking, 

I've been being good, not having no sweets, I guess Steve's constant lecturing in my ear about the bad things that come from sugar are starting to sink in, at least that's what I thought, 

I was walking around smiling, 

And that's when I see a table filled with nothing but cookies, 

I look around, 

Okay Steve is distracted, 

I look Tony's way, he is talking intently to Bruce now, 

Okay he is also distracted, 

I rubbed my hands together, picking up as many cookies as I could, pilling them in the bottom of my folded shirt, 

I eat a chocolate chip cookie savoring in the taste, 

Next was a sugar cookie,

Oh boy have I missed cookies, I thought 

Next was a double chocolate, 

I was in cookie heaven, just as I was about to eat the last cookie, 

When someone grabbed it from my grasp, 

I spin around, 

I see Bucky, 

"I don't think your supposed to be eating that tiny," Bucky said 

He kneeled in front of me, 

"And by the looks of the crumbs on your face you had more than your fair share of cookies, " He said 

"I don't know what you mean," I said smiling ear to ear, 

"yeah sure you don't," He said picking me up slinging me over his shoulder, 

"Bucky! Cut it out!" I giggled 

See Me and Bucky have the kind of relationship that he's like the big brother and cool uncle all wrapped in one, 

"Guess who was raiding the cookie table," Bucky said holding me in front of Tony and Steve kinda like the lion king, 

"Wasn't raiding," I said giggling, 

"What would you call it?" Bucky said 

"Umm, Taste testing, yeah, that's it," I said 

"Jayden I thought we talked about this," Steve said 

"We did, and I tried but what can I say Cookies are my Kryptonite," I said 

I hear Tony Chuckle which caused Steve to glare, 

I then took that as my opportunity and teleported sitting on Loki's lap, which caused Sam to scream like a girl, 

"What we watching?" I said 

"I hate it when you do that!" Sam yelled 

Loki just chuckled as he played with the ends of my hair, 

"You just dislike it because she makes you squeal like a girl," Loki said 

"Shut up!" Sam yelled, 

I see that they were watching shrek, 

"Shhh," I said waving my hand, 

"This is my favorite part," I said 

Loki chuckled yet again, 

Just as I was sitting in Loki's lap I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy, 

I was fighting it, but not long, I gave in, and let the darkness take over me, 

                                       Loki POV 

I look down and see my little fox has fallen asleep, 

I smiled down at her, 

I slowly stood up with her in my arms, and approached, Stark and Rogers, 

"It seems the little fox is all tuckered out," I said 

Rogers takes her from my arms, 

"It seems so," He said chuckling, 

"I am going to put her to bed, Thank you Loki," Rogers said 

I nodded and watched as he walked out, 

I hate to admit it, but the little fox has certainly wormed her way into my heart, I would do anything to keep my little fox happy, I thought 

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