Ch. 21 "More than you know"

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                                                      Jayden POV 


"No! No more stop!" Jayden yelled as she grabbed the collar around her neck, 

"Now you know we can't do that," The man smiled sinisterly 

He pressed the button to the collar, 

"AHHH!!!" Jayden screamed 

                          End Nightmare 

I gasped awake, sweat falling down my face, my heart rate pounding against my chest, 

"You seem in distress miss," The AI said 

"I'm fine," I said through gasps, 

I slowly got out of bed, I walked out of the room, when I hear clinking like tools, and talking, I walked towards the noise, 

I see Tony in the lab fixing up his suit, 

I quietly walked in, he was sitting on a chair focusing, 

I was standing next to him, 

"So this is the Iron man suit," I said 

It made Tony jump, and he looked down at me,

"Jeez shorty you scared me," Tony said setting down one of his tools, 

"What are you doing up at this hour?" He said picking me up setting me on the table, 

"What are you doing up?" i said pointing at him with a grin, 

"Okay touche," He said chuckling, 

"But you really should be asleep at.." Tony looked at his watch, 

"Three thirty in the morning," He said 

"Alright Shorty it is way too early for you to up and about," He said picking me up like I weighed nothing, 

"Your awake," I said poking him in the cheek, 

"Yeah, well I'm a adult not a growing girl," He said 

"I hope your not a growing girl," I said 

He chuckled again, 

I was silent for a while,

"Umm, Tony?" I asked 

"Hmm?" He asked 

"Why are you doing this?" I said 

"Because you need sleep," He said 

"No, not this, I mean, why are you taking care of a kid that isn't your responsibility?" I asked 

He stopped walking then looked at me, 

"Because weather you realize it or not sweetheart you need someone to," He said as he started walking again, 

Once we got to the room he laid me back down in the bed covering me up, 

"Besides I think you squirmed your way into reindeer game's stone cold heart," He said 

"You mean Loki, he's fun," I said 

Tony chuckled 

"Tony... what um, what made you and Steve help me, I'm not that important," I said as I looked up at him innocently 

He kneeled in front of me, 

"Because sweetheart, you lost everything, they took everything from you, and I know I can't bring them back, and I know we can't replace them," Tony said 

"But I am hoping I can save what little light you have left inside of you in order to help you, help you see that not everything is dark, help you have a good life and who knows maybe a better one" He said 

"And you are important to everyone in this tower, more than you realize," Tony said moving a piece of hair behind my ear, 

What he just said shocked me, I didn't really know what to say, 

"Try to get some sleep sweetheart," He said he kissed my forehead, before leaving and closing the door, 

I felt my eyelids slowly flutter shut,

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