Ch. 37 "Happy Tears"

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                                          Jayden POV 

Baffled that is how I would describe this, 

I am stand on the chair since I'm too small to see over the desk if I would sit, 

Tony slid a piece of paper over to me, it was a certificate to adoption, 

My name was on it, and my last name matched both Steve and Tony's last name, 

So my name on this piece of paper, was Jayden Rogers-Stark 

"I- I don't understand?" I said 

"After everything I've done, you.. you.." I was so shocked I couldn't even get the words out, 

I looked up at them, Tony and Steve were smiling at me, 

"We all make mistakes Jayden," Steve said 

"And we do believe you thought were doing what was right," Tony said 

"But I-" I said 

"Jayden we promise it is alright, you kept it safe now it's in our hands you did good, sure we were a little surprised, and sure were didn't know exactly how to express that," Steve said 

"Until Loki had his temper tantrum," Tony mumbled 

I tilted my head, 

"What?" I asked 

"Not important, the important thing is this," Tony said sliding the paper at me, 

I think they could see my hesitant, 

"Jayden listen to me, We know we can never replace what you've lost, and we don't want to... but maybe," Steve began, 

"But maybe this could be a new beginning for you, for all of us, bottom line squirt we want you here, we want you in our lives, and were not going anywhere," Tony said sternly 

I looked up at them again, 

They both smiled at me gently, 

"So what do you say squirt?" Tony said 

"I.." I said speechless, 

I nodded not trusting my voice the breaking, how could they want someone like me, a child that is filled with nothing but mischief and regret, on the run from HYDRA due to stealing a formula they wanted to use to make an army of soldiers, but kept failing, 

I didn't realize it till I felt the liquid falling down my cheek, 

I was crying, not sadness, but happy, 

"Squirt don't cry," Tony said rushing over to me, in a panic 

He didn't realize they were happy tears, 

Tony hugged me, Then Steve did, 

Tony wiped away my tears from my cheeks with his thumb, 

"There don't want a certain God seeing you cry and have another tantrum," Tony said 

"Loki? having a Tantrum?" I asked as I giggled 

"No it's true," Tony said chuckling 

I looked at Steve who nodded, 

After my little water works, we hear a knock on the door, 

Bruce opened the door, 

"Yeah," Tony said 

"Your going to want to see this," Bruce said 

Tony nodded, Tony picked me up and handed me to Steve, 

"I'll be right back," He said 

I was hugging the stuffed fox Loki gave me close as Steve held me close, we watched as Tony walked out, 

"Don't worry he'll be back, then we can celebrate," He said 

I nodded, 

Hoping whatever it was wasn't bad, I thought 

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