Ch. 31 "Painful"

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                                                 Jayden POV 

Steve and Tony rushed over to me, I was holding onto the wall due to my injuries and asthma, 

"God Jayden we need to get these attended to," Tony said 

I shook my head no, 

"No, this- this can wait... Just," I began not getting the words out fast enough 

"Jayden your severely hurt you need medical attention," Bruce said 

I shook my head as tears were welling up in my eyes, 

"Just... Just get this thing off me.." I said brining both my hands to the collar 

So every minute I'm away from the HYDRA facility the more the collar sends volts through me, but since I'm far enough away they are not as extreme like before, 

Tony kneeled down looking at the collar, 

"I'm going to get this off of you okay?" He said 

I nodded 

Tony picked me up taking me out of the room, 

I felt the electricity current through my entire body, causing my body to shiver, Tony stopped and looked at Steve, 

"Is that thing hurting you?" Tony asked 

Tears fell from my eyes and I nodded, 

He picked up his pace to the lab, he sat me on a metal table, 

"No sweetheart I need you to look up at the ceiling okay," Tony said 

I nodded doing as  was told, 

"My god," Steve said 

"What?" I said in a panic 

"Nothing sweetheart your doing great," Tony said 

I heard clinking around me I closed my eyes hoping I don't get another shock to the system, then I felt the collar fall off of my neck, 

"Oh my god," Tony said putting his hands around my throat, 

"Bruce get the Gauze now!" Tony yelled 

I started getting really tired, 

"It's alright sweetheart keep your eyes open for me okay, your doing great," Tony said 

Bruce rushed over unraveling the Gauze, 

"Move your hands," He said to Tony I see Tony's hands were covered with blood, then all of as sudden everything went black 

                                        Tony POV 

As I was concentrating on getting the collar off of Jayden Bruce was fixing what injuries he could, Steve was keeping an eye on her making sure she was okay, 

I opened a hatch in the collar that had a few wires, 

"FRIDAY examine and determine the wire that activates the collar," I said 

"Processing," FRIDAY said 

"My scans show to cut the green wire Sir," FRIDAY said 

I did and suddenly the collar fell off of her neck which showed me the real extent of how painful this thing was, 

Four spikes all together that went inside of her neck 

two on each side of her throat, and two on each side of her neck, I wrapped my hands around her neck to stop the bleeding, 

"Bruce get the Gauze!" I said in a panic 

Bruce rushed so fast I thought he was Pietro for a minute, 

"Move your hands," Bruce said 

Bruce wrapped her neck with the Gauze, 

I looked at Jayden she didn't look to good, and that quickly she collapsed, But Steve caught her before she could fall over the edge of the table, 

"We need to treat these Tony and quickly," Bruce said 

I nodded 

So the three of us got to work, 

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