Ch. 35 "Loki's little Fox"

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                                                   Third Person POV 

It has come to my attention, you lot have made my little fox cry... I do not like when my little fox cries," Loki said darkly 

Loki stepped into the room, 

Loki had his hand held up with magic green flame flowing through the palm of his hand, 

Everyone backed up instinctively seeing how truly pissed Loki was, 

"W-Wait hold on-" Tony said 

"I will do no such thing, consider this a penalty for making my little fox cry," Loki said 

                                     Jayden POV 

It was early morning, when I woke up, 

I looked around, 

When did I get here? I thought as I rubbed my eyes, 

I got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair, 

I held my fox close to me, as I walked down the hallway, 

Where is everyone? I thought as I walked into the living room, 

I see Bucky, his face looked as if it was put through a blender, 

"Bucky?" I asked tilting my head, 

He looked at me, 

"Hey shorty," He said smiling at me, 

"What happened?" I asked 

"Oh this? umm uh we had a mission yeah, yeah," He said 

I arched my brow, 

"Why do I get the feeling your lying?" I asked tilting my head, 

"There she is," I hear behind me, 

I turn around to see Tony, his face is also cut up and covered with bruises, 

"What the frack is going on?" I asked 

"Why do you think something is going on?" Steve said entering 

Who might I add was also beat to a pulp, 

"Gee I don't know since you all look like you got into a fight with a lawn mower," I said 

"Good one little fox," Loki said walking in, 

"Come I must show you something," Loki said taking my hand, 

I see Loki look over his shoulder at everyone, 

We walked out of the building, 

"Loki what is going on?" I asked 

"Do not worry about it my little fox," He said smiling down at me, 

"Umm but-" I began, 

"Shh, do not worry, it was just a little mishap amongst us adults," Loki said 

"Had to play the adult card didn't you?" I said pouting, 

He smiled down at me, 

suddenly we were at a cliff side where you can see the entire city, 

"WOW!" I said excited, 

"Pretty amazing, isn't it my little fox," He said 

I nodded, 

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked 

"I hope not to propose you are way to old for me," I said smirking 

Loki bursted out laughing, 

"You really are a michjvious thing aren't you," He said kneeling in front of me, 

"I brought you here because I want you to remember this place, how it sounds out here, the sight, This is a place I go to think, when my emotions get too overwhelming," Loki said 

"Do you know why I am telling you this?" He said 

I shook my head no,

" Because I do not want you think you have to hide your emotions behind your michjvious persona," He said 

"You can talk to me if you wish, but this place helps," He said 

I nodded, 

"I just think they don't trust me after what I did," I said looking down, 

I felt his finger hook under my chin making me look at him, 

"I have a lot worse little fox, and it took years to earn their trust, but I do not think they do not trust you, I think they are just a little stunned is all, and a little ignorant.." Loki said he mumbled the last part in anger, 

"Just remember little fox you always have me in your corner," He said 

I hugged him, he tensed at first but then hugged back, 

"Thank you Loki," I whispered 

"Of course my little fox," He said 

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