Ch. 26 "Sick"

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                                            Jayden POV 

I woke up feeling a little funny, I was feeling cold and hot at the same time, my chest felt tight, not asthma tight but like I had phlegm every time I breathe I feel it, 

But I just shook it off, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror my cheeks looked a little red but I just shrugged it off,

I brushed my hair I coughed and boy did that hurt it hurt so bad I felt like I couldn't breathe, 

I wheezed a little bit, but finally got back to normal breathing, 

Finally after my fit I grabbed the Fox Loki gave me and walked out of the room, I walked into the living room I didn't see anyone, 

I just sluggishly walked over to the couch I sat on the couch, I was slouching, 

It has been a very long time since I've felt this terrible, I thought 

I stared at the blank TV in a daze, the sweat was just falling down my face I wiped it away with my forearm, but soon it came back, 

"Hey shorty how are-"  Bucky began 

But I guess he saw the daze I was in and the flush of my cheeks, he put his flesh hand on my forehead, 

"Friday Get Tony and Steve up here now!" Bucky yelled 

"Talk to me shorty what's wrong?" He asked 

"I don't feel so good," I said in a squeaky voice 

"What's the prob-" Tony began with Steve behind him, 

"She's not feeling good," Bucky said 

Tony put his hand on my forehead, 

"God she's burning up," Tony said 

I was too much in a daze to even care, but my breathing was getting harder, 

"Okay up we go," Tony said picking me up, 

"Friday tell Bruce were on our way," Steve said 

"Of course sir," The AI said 

my vision was blurring as I was laid on a table, I started couching, not just a little a lot, but it was a coughing fit

"That doesn't sound good," I couldn't tell who said that 

I was so tired after that, I felt my eyelids flutter shut, 

                                       Tony POV 

"That doesn't sound good," Steve said 

I see she passed out, 

"Sit her up for me," Bruce said 

Steve was quick to do that, 

Bruce listened to her lungs, his eyebrows scrunch, 

He listened to her chest, 

He quickly wheeled the oxygen mask over putting it on her face, 

"What is it?" I asked 

"she's got pneumonia in her lungs, and chest," He said 

My eyes widen, 

"We need to take care of this before it gets any worse," He said 

He put and IV of antibiotics in her arm,

"What else can we do?" Steve said worried 

"All we have to do is wait for the medicine to do it's job and hope it helps," He said 

We both nodded, 

I watched as her breathing was shallow, I was beyond worried, is this what it feels like to be a parent, 

Being beyond worried when something like this happens, wanting to protect them no matter what, I thought 

"I'm going to get her fox I think we left it on the couch," He said 

I nodded, 

Jayden's blue eyes flutter open, 

"Daddy..." She said but then her eyelids flutter shut, 

If it were even possible my heart would have dropped out of my chest, I brushed some of her hair behind her ear,

"I'm here little bean," I whispered 

"I'm here," I whispered 

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