Ch. 14 "Bucky"

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                                             Steve POV 

Two days, two freaking days, Jayden has been on the lamb, yeah, there have been sightings of her, but the moment we get the lead she's gone, slips through our fingers, 

I paced back and forth as Tony was on the computer typing away, 

"Calm down, we'll find her, I have every source looking for her, not to mention the three assassins stalking the streets for the kid," Tony said 

"Yeah, but why the hell did she leave in the first place?" I asked 

"Beats me," Tony said 

                                                Jayden POV 

"Hey get the hell back here!!" The man said as he chased me, 

I just stole from a convenient store, A soda which by the way I've never had, and a pack of cookies, 

"You have to catch me first old man!!" I yelled back 

I cut down an alley, seeing a fence I smirked running as fast as I could placing the bottom of my feet on the brick wall and doing a back flip over the fence, and ran until I thought I was far enough away, 

I was leaning against the wall of a abandoned building, I adjusted the ball cap on my head, as i was  wheezing I reached into my pocket pulling out my inhaler, using two puffs and putting it back in my pocket, I grabbed my food and drink and made my way to the abandoned district 

I was on the roof of one of the abandoned buildings kicking my feet back and forth as I ate the cookies, 

I dusted the crumbs off my hands and just as I was about to open the soda someone landed behind me, 

I quickly turned around to see the man with the metal arm, what was his name? Brody? Buddy? 

Bucky, yeah Bucky that was it, 

"So this is where you've been," He said walking towards me, 

He walked towards me, and suddenly a memory popped in my mind a memory I though was gone that I blocked out, 


I clung onto Bucky as The gunshots got louder, 

"I'm scared," I said shaking as Bucky held me close, 

"Don't be scared I've got you shorty," He said petting my hair, 

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you," Bucky said 

"I promise," He said 

                             End Memory 

My eyes blinked a few times, 

"Bucky.." I said a little stunned 

"Yeah, you remember me shorty?" He said 

I nodded 

"Slowly," I said 

"Did they wipe you?" He said 

"I... I don't remember..." I said 

I touched my forehead, 

"Hey don't worry I'll take you some where safe," He said 

I shook my head, 

"I don't need to be safe, just hidden," I said 

He looked confused, 

"Look I know your scared, but you need to come back with me," He said 

I shook my head, 

"I'm not scared," I began, 

He arched his brow, 

"Come on Shorty what is really going on?" He asked 

Before I could answer Iron Man aka Tony landed on the roof, Not long so did Steve, Nat and Clint, 

I was starting to get nervous, 

"Shorty what are you running from?" Bucky asked 

Everyone looked shocked by this information, 

"You know who," I said backing up, 

"Kid listen to me whatever you are running from we can keep you safe," Tony said 

I shook my head, 

"Not from them," i said 

It started to pour the rain fell from the sky hard, it was cold but I didn't mind, 

"Who? HYDRA?" Steve said 

Then a scary voice echoed in my head, 

"Hail HYDRA! say it!" The voice echoed in my head, 

I shook my head, 

I looked down at the cement and teleported and started running 

"Jayden!" Hear Tony yelled 

All I did know is I had to keep going

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