Ch. 28 "Soda"

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                                      Jayden POV 

It's been a few days since Loki made all the pain go away, he placed his large hand on my chest and then everything that hurt disappeared, 

I am so grateful for that because that kind of pain I can't tolerate, 

I'm still under observation but to be honest I'm bored and I'll say it once and I'll say it again, me and bored are bad combos, 

I take all the wires off and jump off the bed leaving the lab quietly 

I look both ways in the hallway, and it's deserted, 

"Good," I whispered and made my way to the kitchen, which is also empty, 

I teleport in front of the fridge, 

and see a can, 

"Coke cola, oooh, I've never had a soda before," I mumbled excited, 

I open the can, 

and Take a giant sip, 

"Oh my goodness!" I said excited 

"I've been missing out!" I said again chugging some more, 

"Whoa you definitely don't need that," Someone took the can from me, 

I see Bucky 

"Hey come on Bucky give it back!" I said jumping trying to take it back, 

"Oh no can do shorty, I'm sure Steve will have a mini heart attack if he sees you drinking this," Bucky said 

"Bucky!" I said jumping trying to take the can but he is way taller than me 

"FRIDAY get Steve down here," Bucky said 

"We don't need to involve him give it back!" I said 

"Nope," He said 

"Fine, I'll just grab another one," I said walking over to the fridge 

"Don't you do it shorty," Bucky said 

I opened the fridge, 

"Shorty," He said sternly 

I grabbed the can, 

I looked at me smirking, 

"Don't do it," Bucky said 

I opened the can and started drinking it as fast as I could, I could feel the sugar rush, I teleported next to Bucky, 

"I think I love soda!" I said with my arms wide, 

"Great, I'm guessing you feel the sugar rush?" Bucky said 

"I don't know what that is but sure," I said teleporting on the counter, 

"Now I know Tony hid the cookies somewhere in here," I said looking in the cabinet 

"Nope," I said 

I teleported again, looking in another cabinet, 

"Nope," I said and teleported again, 

"What's going on in here?" I hear Steve, 

"She drank half this, and that can," Bucky said 

"Munchkin?" Steve said 

"Steve! do you have cookies?" I said 

I teleported again, as I teleported their heads followed me, 

"Why do you think they call them cookies?" I said and teleported again, 

"Why can't they call them something fun like unicorn or something?' I said and teleported 

"Oh oh, I know sugar filled goodness," I said 

I teleported again, 

"But that would be a mouth full huh?" I said 

I hear a chuckle 

"Seems like little fox got into some sugar," I hear Loki, 

"Loki!" I said excited teleported 

"Do you know where the cookies are?" I asked 

"It's a secret I must not tell you little fox," Loki said 

I pouted, 

Steve picked me up, 

"Okay we need to calm you down, this is why you shouldn't have sugar," Steve said 

"But it gives me energy," I said smiling 

"Not the good kind," Steve said 

"Lets go find Tony we need to talk to you about something anyway," Steve said 

I smiled at him, as he walked down the hallway as he carried me,

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