Chapter 2

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"No no no, it's not your fault, I think I'm making it more confusing for you... sorry about that." You gently tear out the page and begin rewriting the equations, Sakusa watching your every move. He had feigned cluelessness to get you to tutor him after school, though you didn't know that and found it strange how his maths grades had dropped significantly from around the time you met him.

You slowly went through the steps again, making sure he took in and understood all your words, albeit you could never tell since most of his responses ranged from a blank stare to small nod. Occasionally, he would say "I understand now, thank you.", in those moments, you would sigh with relief, happy that he had made sense of your rambles.

Did he just give up on studying? You wondered to yourself. He doesn't seem like the type to just slack off for no reason...

You felt the poke of a gloved finger on your wrist. Quickly, you snap out of it and scramble to check what he had written.

It was perfect. His numbers were neat and in order, lines of working clearly lead towards the final answer at the bottom of the page. Sakusa had completed it in a matter of seconds as well, you were pretty impressed.

"Wow Kiyoomi, you're really good at this. I don't think I could have done it this fast, you should be the one teaching me!" You praised, letting out a small giggle.

A blush creeps onto his cheeks, though most of his face was covered with a mask, it was still noticeable. Without thinking, you ruffle his hair, then suddenly pull back with a "Crap!" after remembering his distaste for physical contact.

Oh what he would do for you to pet him like that once more.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have- I know- I didn't mean to touch you..." You back away a little, not really knowing what was coming next.

Sakusa says nothing. His eyes that gave away no trace of emotion meets yours.

"Mhm." He mutters, voice deep and void of any anger.

"Mhm"? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN you internally scream while you forcefully tug the corners of your lips upwards to try and ease the tension.

"Well then my one and only student, that should be it for today. Very well done today Kiyoomi-Kun." You swiftly pack all your belongings, double checking your bag to make sure you haven't missed anything.
"Hold on... my handkerchief... I swear it was in my pocket just now..." You pat yourself down, fumbling through your uniform, inadvertently lifting your skirt a little. He accidentally catches a glimpse of your upper thigh before turning his head away, the image carved into his mind.
"Have you seen my handkerchief? It's blue with like little penguin patterns..." You glanced down at the boy sitting beside you while tracing a square shape into the air with your fingers.

Sakusa only stares

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