Chapter 20

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*Trigger warnings*Blood, Stabbing, Violence

Sakusa Kiyoomi....

The name has come across your mind multiple times in the past hour, he was such a sweet guy with a menacing facade. You couldn't help but think about how adorable he looked back at the shopping centre, clutching onto your hand like a lost child. Swiping through the pictures taken with him and Komori throughout the few months you've known him, you begin to wonder what he was up to now.

I think he'd be the type of guy to secretly watch dog videos on youtube...

You chuckle to yourself at the vision.


The screams. That was the best part. Though seeing the fear slowly transition into lifelessness were also quite satisfying, nothing could compare to the nightmarish shrieks and begs to be free people let out. The triumph was beyond what words could describe.

He glided the knife across the boy's forearm, pressure increasing as he stopped at the wrist. Sakusa sighed. The boy who was no older than 15 laid there with tear stained cheeks and a throat dry from screeching.

"I'm sorry... please..." he whispered, voice raspy and unstable.

Sakusa tilts his head to the side.

"Why does everyone say the exact same thing when I'm about to kill them?"

The boy looks up at him horrified. This guy is definitely mental...


"That's right, it's always 'I'm sorry' or 'please don't hurt me'. It makes me wonder, were you not sorry when you did the things you shouldn't have? Are you only apologising now because you're in a near death situation?"

The ravenette glared down on him.

"Answer me." he demanded.

Seeing as the boy started to cry, he pressed the blade against his throat ready to slash if he made any loud noises.

"I said, answer me," he growled, "do not test my patience right now." 

"I- I don't know... I needed money... I promise it won't happen again." The boy pleaded.

"Yeah of course you won't because you'll be dead." Sakusa responded while shoving your wallet into his pocket.

"My single mother already works three jobs, I have siblings that I need to take care of, so please... let me go this once... I swear my life won't happen again." The boy pants, drops of crimson snaked down his body.

Sakusa scoffed.

"You're pretty bold, lying to me like that Sato Hideki. You live in a four storey house as the only child, you're from one of the richest neighbourhoods yet you claim your single mother works three jobs?"

Sato looked up in dread. Shit. Where the hell did he get that information?

Suddenly, the wailing of sirens blasted somewhere nearby. Sato jumped back to life and shrieked for help. For a fraction of a second, Sakusa panicked and in one swipe, the boy was silent. The wide slit in his throat spewed out his remaining life blood.

Sakusa disappeared among the dancing shadows as the storming of footsteps drew closer.


"Dude, you were the one who stole it? What the hell man?" Komori gives his cousin a disbelieving look.

Sakusa rolls his eyes, "no dumbass, I found it" he snaps.

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