Chapter 15

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*Trigger warnings*

Mild NSFW, Murder, Knives, Violence, Blood

The moon glimmered gently as it lit the path for any pedestrians who happened to be still out on this wintry night.

He turned around, nobody was there. Shrugging, he continued on.

Kaito came to a halt, the bridge loomed over him as the splashing of the polluted river sloshed in the background. Just go, you literally walk here everyday.

But there was something, a little something in the back of his mind telling him that he should take another route this one time.

This is why you lost to Sakusa, that fucking bastard. He's a pussy anyway. Like come on, he's scared of germs? Really? What does she even see in him...

He puffed his chest and marched on, fear gripped tighter and tighter at his heart. It'll be over soon, keep going and don't think too much.

"I've been expecting you."

Kaito stopped dead in his tracks, hearing that dreadfully familiar voice. He frantically searched around, trying desperately to pinpoint where he was. However beneath the bridge, it was too dark to clearly make out any figures.

"You didn't think I'd let you go that easily, did you?" Sakusa chuckled, leaning against the wall. A dangerous looking knife spun around his thumb before he eventually clasped the two handles shut, leaving the sound of a quiet click.

Kaito ran for it, but didn't make it very far as a sharp object pierced through his calf.

"Ugh fuck!" He groaned.

"I knew you'd do that. It's not safe to run in the dark you know? Slow down." Sakusa stated smugly. I'm looking out for the enemy, just like what Y/N tells me to do.

Kaito grimaced at the bleeding gash, "What do you want dude, I can't fight right now because I'm still recovering from last time."

Sakusa ambled over and ruthlessly hauled the knife out, Kaito cried out as he clutched onto the ground. Is he going to kill me? No way he would...

"My sister got this as a present for me a few years ago, apparently it's called a butterfly knife." He began, tracing a finger lightly over the blade. "It looked cool, but that's all there was to it. At first, I didn't know why she'd get me something so useless, though I think it might come quite in handy tonight." He murmured, flicking it open with one smooth motion of the wrist.

"O-oi, put that way, you c-could actually k-kill me..." He stuttered, using all his strength to push himself up while clinging on to his injured leg.

The ravenette scoffed with derision.

"I know."

"Wait wh-"

Sakusa slashed the knife at him in a diagonal motion, purposely missing by an inch. Kaito flinched hard, and stumbled back before regaining steady footing. Shit, I need to get out of here... but I can't...

He made an attempt to snatch the iron weapon from the masked boy, but was not quick enough as it already cartwheeled over to his other hand, not once did it stop spinning. It was going so fast Kaito didn't dare to try that again.

To Sakusa, the whole situation felt... entertaining.

"Can't take it from me no matter what you do, unless you want your fingers sliced off then go for it." He jeered.

"You're a wuss, bringing knives to a fist fight." Kaito spat.

Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who said this was going to be just a fist fight? You're dead by the end of this."

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