Chapter 7

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"Only this once you are allowed to work with your peers, but it must be no more than a group of three. Help each other out, but no copying. If I have to remind you to quiet down once more after the first warning, there will only be individual work for the rest of class and there will be no debate on that either. Do I make myself clear?" The teacher announces.

A cheer erupts in response instantaneously.

"Alright then, use your time wisely. Any unfinished work shall be completed as homework."

At that, the shuffling of chairs echoed around the classroom as names were called out.

"Y/N! Wanna work with me and Kiyoomi?" Komori asked despite already knowing the answer.

"Sure thing!" You chirp while taking your chair, worksheets and a pencil over to Sakusa's table, the caramel-haired boy joining you shortly after.

Making sure your hands were sanitised first, you sit down and briefly scan through the worksheets. Sakusa feels the speed of his beating heart increase as you take your place directly beside him, he was completely fixated on the slight contact between your elbows.

Y/N's touching me Y/N's touching me Y/N's touching me Y/N's actually touching me, it's going to be okay, don't freak out...

"Oh sorry, am I taking too much space? Are you uncomfortable?" You look around you, trying to find room to move your chair.

"No." He responds immediately.

"Really? You don't have to be polite about it I-"

"No." He states again, more firmly this time.

You nod knowingly and pick up your pencil making the 'alright-if-you-say-so' look while bringing your attention back to the worksheets.

"Damn it, this looks so hard." You flip through the pages. "I'm not too familiar with this topic..." You mumble while marking out the more difficult problems.

"What? If you can't do it, how the hell am I supposed to?" Komori pouts while fiddling with an eraser. "Dude, do you know how to solve these?" He looks at his cousin while nudging him.

Sakusa shrugs nonchalantly, he picks up his pencil and starts scribbling away.


"Holy crap! Done already?" You stare dubiously at his work. No way he's finished everything...

But the lines of flawless working out say so otherwise.

Okay but they can't ALL be correct, we haven't even been taught this yet! You carefully inspected his worksheets, all his answers seemed convincing and logical. You double-check, triple-check as the numbers continue leering back at you, daring you to question them. Sighing, you sit back, making no more effort to try and point out the faults in his work. It annoyed you how perfect this boy was. Omi-Kun you've seriously been blessed with too much

Komori rests his head on the table and yawns.

"Kiyoomi's always been that, smart even though I never see him studying."

You watch him sit there, imagining the stoic expression he had beneath his mask while wishing you could put a hand on him and just absorb his intelligence. Tch, he doesn't deserve all that smartness anyway, I literally study my ass off every night just to get beaten by someone born with natural talent.

"Oi, you sure you didn't cheat or something?"

"I did it right in front of you, Y/N." Sakusa replied.

Komori chuckles.

"You don't have to be jealous Y/N, commoners like us shouldn't compare ourselves to prodigies like him. I learned that the hard way growing up." he muttered while rubbing out some of his grey lead markings.

"You know what Motoya? Good point but I'm not going to stop trying." 

"Alright then, suit yourself."

Groaning, you pick up your mechanical pencil and continue with the same problem you had been stuck on for the past 10 minutes. The numbers and variables dance around in your head, not allowing you to make sense of them. The teacher was busy with other students so you couldn't ask her, Sakusa didn't look like he wanted to be bothered and Komori was usually the one asking you for answers so there was no way he could help. Which smartass decided to mix the alphabet with digits? You thought while repressing the desire to shred up the page into pieces until you feel someone prodding your arm.

Sakusa pushes his papers toward you. You glance up at him in surprise.

"Really?" You say not bothering to contain your excitement.

"Only 5 minutes until the teacher is moving on, you don't want it as homework do you?" He replies.

Your jealousy for him completely dissolved. Leaning over, you embrace him fondly.

"Thank you Kiyoomi~ You're so kind."

Sakusa clears his throat and looks away and shyly puts a hand on your back which you assumed to be an attempt of hugging back. 

Quickly snatching the worksheets, you begin copying away secretively, making sure the teacher was distracted first. Komori looks at Sakusa in disbelief.

"Dude that's not fair! You never let me copy your work, so how come Y/N gets to?" He whines.

"Your mum told me not to let you copy my work because you'll never learn."

"Oh come on, pleaaase? Just this one time, you're my favourite cousin!"

"I'm your only cousin."

You laugh at that. Sakusa didn't know what was so amusing, but it didn't matter as long as it meant he got to see you happy.

You pat Komori on the head, Sakusa tenses a little.

"It's okay Motoya-Kun, you can copy mine, I'm nearly fini-."

"Don't." Sakusa interrupts.

Puzzled, you look at him.

"Dude come on, my mum will never know unless you plan on being a snitch." Komori remarked, a little desperately.

"Here, hurry up." he takes the papers and shoves it in his cousin's face.

The caramel haired boy grins widely.

"Thanks bro! You're the best!"

"Mhm" The ravenette mutters in response.

Don't touch him like that again Y/N, I don't like it when you do that.

To our lovely readers:

Thank you so much for 1000+ reads! We seriously did not expect this to get that many reads and are so thankful to see people continuing to read our story. However please do remember that we are high school students, and that means our schedules may be a bit busy so not every chapter will always be top quality. But, we will obviously still do our best to update regularly and we hope this chapter wasn't too bad, the next one will hopefully be better 😭.

Anyway, thank you all so much and again, if there are any criticisms, thoughts or feedback you have to offer, please let us know in the comments.

Remember to take care of yourselves and stay safe! 



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