Chapter 21

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*trigger warning* sexual assault, verbal/physical abuse

She screamed as he grabbed her by the top of her shirt and flung her into the ground.

"Get the hell out of here you fucking bitch," he snarled.

"H-hey, n-no need to g-get so aggressive, I- I was j-just playing..." her voice shook from fear.

"I don't fucking care, I'll kill you if-"

Sakusa's sentence was cut off as a man yanked him back by his hair.

"Oh my goodness sir, I'm so sorry about my son," Haruki made Sakusa bow along with him at a ninety-degree angle by shoving his head down.

The other male dressed in an expensive suit gave no response as he helped his daughter up. She cowered behind him as he stood up straight and checked his watch.

"Haruiki, I'll be having a chat with you first thing in the morning tomorrow."



Before Sakusa was given any time to react, his father's palm had connected with his face, causing him to step back a little from the force.

"Haruki stop it, it's not his fault." His mother interposes between the two, glaring at her husband.

"Not his fault? NOT HIS FAULT? It absolutely is his fault. He could've handled that situation so much better and you know it Yui."

"I felt uncomfortable dad, she kept going even after I told her to stop. I acted out of impulse, sorry."

"Kiyoomi no, you have nothing to be sorry for okay?" His mother squeezes him gently and rubs his back. "Haruki, either you tell your boss and his disgusting daughter that they're not welcome here again or I'll be doing it myself."

The man leers at his wife.

"Yui, are you serious right now? I might lose my job! If Kiyoomi hadn't gotten physical and cussed her out none of this would be happening right now!" he roared.

"Are you saying your job is more important than your own son? How could you call yourself a father!" The woman exclaimed.

"He couldn't have just put up with it? She's a girl! She can't do any real harm!" Haruki was red with fury.

"You have no right to speak, Haruki, our son was sexually assaulted right in his own home! I'm honestly very disappointed seeing how you reacted today." She stood in front of her son protectively.

"Whatever. I'm letting you off easy this time Kiyoomi, but if it happens again there'll be much harsher consequences." His father growled.

"If it happens again I'm calling the police, what your boss's daughter did today was inexcusable." Yui snaps.

Sakusa apologised once more, but the man had more to say.

"Oh and I forgot to mention, you and that girl Y/N are not permitted to date, she's a total slut. At least have the brains to go for someone better."

Sakusa turns to him fiercely.

"Y/N has nothing to do with this, dad. She did nothing wrong."

"Ever since you met her, you've been talking back a lot, your grades have been dropping and you've been coming home late every night. As your father I have the right to punish you however I want, don't make me get the whip again Kiyoomi."

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