Chapter 11

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*Trigger Warnings*

Blood, Violence, Mentions of sexual assault.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, he'll get caught soon I promise." Komori patted you softly on the back. I hope so at least...

Though this would have normally annoyed Sakusa a little, he let it slide this time seeing the despondency sewn to your face.

"Yeah he better." You spat, abhorrence growing inside of you.

"He definitely will, right dude?" The caramel haired boy turns to his cousin who seemed to be glaring into space.

Sakusa spins his head towards the both of you, but says nothing.


"N-no, I'm so so sorry... please don't do this to me..." The man quaked, begging for forgiveness.

"You're... you're sorry?" Sakusa asked as if the man was speaking a foreign language. He suddenly let out an unhinged laugh, the man looked at him terrified.

"You didn't look too sorry when you took those disgusting pictures of her." The ravenette walked closer to the man that remained kneeling on the ground. "You're quite stupid you know that? I asked you quite kindly the first time to delete the pictures didn't I? I gave you a chance, you ruined it for yourself."

It was all silent except until the man broke down sobbing. Sakusa giggled in a deranged manner, making the man retract even more. Fucking dumbass

"I have places to be later, so I'll just get rid of you quickly first." The ravenette said and pulled out a cleaver. He crawled away from the boy, but didn't make it too far as Sakusa grabbed him by the hair and pulled back aggressively, forcing eye contact between the two of them. "Don't worry Mister! You'll start to lose consciousness around the seventh or eighth stab I think, I don't know, that's what happened to the last guy I had to take care of."

"You're fucking crazy."

Sakusa tilts his head to the side.

"Am I now? Y/N told me that I should always be nice to people even if I don't like them, so I guess I'll try to make this as quick as possible. It's probably going to still be painful though."

He forced open the man's mouth and shoved in a cloth to make sure his screams would be muffled and then plunged the knife deep and far into his stomach. He twisted the blade with brute force, before pulling away abruptly and going for another thrust, the crimson red liquid splattered everywhere. The stifled shrieks kept him thrilled until too much of his life blood had seeped out as he slowly shifted into senselessness. Even then, he still went on, the anger added to his strength until he finally stopped, panting a little. The clatter of the blade hitting the ground echoed throughout the dimly lit alleyway.

This time it took approximately 12.6 seconds. That's 3.5 seconds faster than last time, I'm improving.

"Ha... you're only sorry because you were caught right? The world is polluted with gross people like you." He scowled at the insensate body laying before him before stomping down on his nape.

I got him Y/N, for you.




"People chose to do disgusting things when they could have had the clear and easy option of keeping their hands to themselves. They all deserve to die anyway." Is what he would think to justify his doings.

It really was no secret that Sakusa Kiyoomi had gone insane. He may appear cold and impassive on the outside, but he still had some soft spots for the people he did actually like, after all he is human too. He was only ever violent if someone ever made an attempt to harm you, anything other than that, he really couldn't care less.

It all started with a little, harmless crush.

Sakusa would always stare at you, but immediately stop once the two of you made eye-contact, and got butterflies whenever you said his name. Nothing wrong with that.

When he started to like you even more, he sneakily took pictures and found excuses to be around you more. His collection of objects that reminded him of you began around that time and occasionally, he'd have these weird urges he couldn't comprehend to do things to you. Not too strange, people are like that when they take a liking to someone.

He then found himself constantly thinking about you, finding the need to know everything about your life. Not the basic things like your favourite colour or favourite food, that was too boring and he already knew all that. Things like your sleeping pattern, what brand of underclothing you wore, or even when your menstrual cycle started would interest him more as he thought "All husbands need to take good care of their wives and tend to their needs."

He stalked you home, he watched you for hours outside your bedroom window. Doing your everyday routine would always fascinate him, even if it was just being on your phone or doing your homework. In his eyes, you were just too perfect.

However, that still wouldn't suffice. Greed consumed him, he only wanted you to himself, nobody else could have you. He became extremely possessive, eliminating anyone who dared get in between the two of you.

Sakusa had his own special ways of showing affection, it would've been cute if only it wasn't so ... gruesome. You had no idea what truly went on in that mind of his.

But hey, don't people always do weird things where they're in love?






"Omi you look happy today, did something good happen?"

You and Sakusa toss the eraser back and forth, trying to cure the boredom you guys felt while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

He pauses.


He waits for the eraser that never made its way back to him.

Crossing your arms, you recline. "Dude, tell me I wanna know."

Sakusa rises from his seat and walks over to you, unravelling your fingers that curled over the rubbery purple block.

You look up at him confused as he leans in close and puts his hand on the back of your chair. Into your neck, he whispers.

"It's a secret." 

For you [Yandere Sakusa x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt