Maid Cafe

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Hello there, this is message is from one of the authors. This chapter is not in anyway related to the story at all, I just saw someone comment this idea in the previous chapter and thought, "heh, why not." Now, you have this dumpster fire of an unedited chapter that I can not be bothered proofreading. Skip this chapter if you can't handle cringey plots that don't make any sense, it will not affect any future updates. With that being said, enjoy 🤪 

"Hurry up, you're so damn slow," Sakusa utters, adjusting his grip on the box of ingredients.

"Shut the hell up, you're always so rude for no reason. This is why you have no friends." Komori retorts as he quickened his pace.

"Okay well at least I can carry heavy objects and get from point A to point B without stopping for breaks every five minutes."

"Kiyoomi I'm telling your mum you're being mean again."

"And I'm telling your mum about your "study sessions" with Aiko."


As Sakusa entered through the classroom doors, he let out a soft grunt as someone bumped into him.

"Crap, sorry about that!" you exclaim.

He stared, what else could he do? Could that skirt get any shorter? He took in every single detail of you from head to toe. The laced dress hugged your body, revealing more than enough for Sakusa's imagination to go wild.

"Pfft, Y/N you look stupid," Komori remarked, he dropped the weighty cardboard box and massaged his forearm.

You deadpan, "okay then you wear it."

The brunette chuckles, "I'm kidding, it's alright I guess."

You flick your hair sassily and turn to Sakusa who had been quiet the whole time, "what do you think Omi? Aren't I just so..." you strike a ridiculous pose, ""

He didn't reply, instead, he stood there and continued to stare. You wave a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his trance.

Damn it, did I come off as creepy? His face flushed in embarrassment, Sakusa needed a way of playing it off.

"No, you look ugly."

Komori burst into fits of laughter as he watched your smile fade.

"I hate you all," you muttered, snatching the box from the ravenette's grasp. "Also, you guys better start working, the cafe's gonna open soon." With that, you rotated on your heels and walked over to help the other students prepare the food.

The caramel-haired boy elbowed his cousin while clutching onto his stomach, "ayo, if you're gonna keep ogling at her, please try and be subtle about it. You look like a total pervert."




"Enjoy your meal master Tatsuo!" you chime, placing down the dish on the table.

"Thanks," the silver-eyed male observed as you finished writing a small message on the omelette with ketchup. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and smirked flirtatiously at you. You ignored his friends sniggering.

As you were about to leave, you feel a tug on your arm, "just wondering... when does your shift finish? I'd love to take you around the school, we can enjoy the activities together" the boy suggests.

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