Chapter 24

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Trigger warning:

Mentions of sexual themes

Tapping the pen against your page, you heave a sigh.

"Watcho ass whining about now?" the brunette sitting beside you asked, turning a page over.

"Is there a way to cheat in exams without getting caught?" you mumble, still in deep thought.

He glanced over at you in surprise, "cheat in exams?" he repeated.

"Yeah, there's so much material we have to go over for revision and I'm already half dead."

Komori pondered for a moment, "I dunno, write notes on the inside of your skirt or something."

You shot up with enthusiasm, "I could do that actually... there's no way a teacher could ask for proof without coming off as a perv."

"You still have to be careful to not get caught in the act though," he warns.

"I won't, I'll practice beforehand so-"

"By the time you've finished discussing this you could've finished revising the whole textbook, so shut it and study, both of you." growled a voice directly in front of you, his tone a little more annoyed than usual.

You hand Komori a look, wordlessly requesting an answer for his unusual behaviour. The brunette leans over and places a hand on your shoulder, whispering "he got blocked a lot today during the practice match, so I think he's a little pissed right now."

Nodding, you flip open your textbook, though this time with Sakusa glaring at you over his reading glasses. He wasn't the explosive type when it came to anger, he never yelled or became violent, however at this stage you sort of wished he did because his expression of fury was ten times scarier. He didn't talk much when genuinely irritated, but when he did his words cut like poisoned daggers. The silence you had to sit through was no less tortuous, his demeanour was absolutely unbearable.

It couldn't have only been the volleyball match that set him off, it was probably a series of events that led him to this point. This was the second time you've ever seen him this provoked, the first time was when Komori tripped and spilled calligraphy ink all over him and his uniform. You shuddered at the memory, it was a horrific moment you never wanted to relive.

Bringing your attention back to present time, you noticed that there was no longer a pencil in your hand. Moving your books around, you scan the entire area of the table, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Dude, where's my pencil?" you whisper hastily to the caramel-haired boy.

"I shoved it up my ass and it felt good." Komori replied a little too loudly.

Quietness immediately followed, the two of you made eye contact before laughter ripped from your throat. Komori's pig-like snorts only added to the hilarity of the situation. Clutching on to your stomach, you cringed away from him as he continuously slapped your arm.

"Shut the fuck up, if you guys are gonna mess around do it outside the library." Sakusa snapped. He was the one person who did not seem amused in the slightest. 

Komori instantly drew back and zipped his lips.

You hand him an irked expression, him being in a bad mood gave him no right to disrespect others in any way. "Kiyoomi I'm sorry you're pissed right now, but I'd really appreciate it if you didn't project that onto other people," you retaliated. 

For you [Yandere Sakusa x Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα