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It was like I could feel her pain

Waves of pain shot through my body as if I was just sliced with a sharp knife

I stepped over the groaning men on the floor

There were so concentrated on my body that they never saw my fist coming

They were easy to take out

I picked up the two wooden staffs

They were light enough to move quickly but solid enough to cause damage

I had no idea what I was walking into

But I knew she needed me

I pushed the door open

And held my gasp

The room was filled with vibrant colors

Women dressed in a fine fabric

Men wearing the loveliest jewels

I already knew that the poorest person in this room would have more money than I have ever been able to touch

I had not even noticed the music suddenly stop

Their heads turned towards the thud made by the sounds of the doors

Their eyes widened as they saw me standing in the doorway

They immediately started to whisper to each other

The boldest ones started to point their fingers in my direction

I had no time to wonder

It wasn't my clothing or the state of my hair

I knew it was the color of my skin

I have never seen someone who looked like me

My sister Rosie was the shade of the chocolate sold in the pastry shops

Smooth and sweet

I often resembled untouched vanilla unprocessed vanilla

Rough and mysterious

Often untouched because it is hard to see what's inside

My blood flowed red when I am cut

The same way everyone else's did

Yet I was treated with such disdain in my village

And once again here

I scanned the room of people

I met the eye of a man and a woman sitting on the other side of the room

On beautifully decorated thrones

He wore a lovely white suit and the woman wore a similar dress

They held such power simply sitting in their seats

They had to be the king and queen

Before I could pay my respect or run away from the hundreds of eyes I heard a slight whimper

My eyes landed on the baby in the middle of the room

She lay on the floor with a weight tied to her leg

She looked miserable

You could see a trickle of blood running down her side

Besides her, you could see a man staring at a scale in his hand hungrily, he didn't even noticed how silent the room was

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