Hide and seek

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Princess Lulia pov

I shot a bullseye

Prince kai just finished up his daily 'let's embarrassed lulia in front of everyone" task.

I could feel the eyes of my soldiers as well as my ladies on me

They snickered to each other about how I couldn't even get my future husband to help me shoot this stupid arrow

He often avoided me like the plague, especially in front of his men

" he didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea or false hope"

I looked back only to catch him smiling to himself after watching my bullseye. I quickly turned back to the target. My face felt warm and I couldn't stop myself from smiling to myself.

Its moments like these that give me hope for the future

His smile was often reserved only for me and his sister.

We would play tag in the castle courtyard

I was a terrible hider due to my brightly colored dresses as well as my hair.

But kai would always come and find me last no matter how stupid

I remember one day I hid behind the willow tree in the middle of the courtyard

I was oblivious to the fact that my bright pink dress stuck out from around the tree.

I remember putting my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter after Vannessa was caught.

"No Fair, you always find me first," she complained

" Well you should hide better" kai responded to his sister in a playful tone.

I could feel my heart beating against my chest as I heard kai's footsteps approaching where I hid

Within second kai jumps from around the corner

" Caught you!" he yelled

His eyes bright with excitement and joy

But I was shocked at the speed at which he caught me

" How did you find me so quickly" I pouted

I crossed my arms trying to make sure he knew my question was serious

Kai stayed silent for a while.

Then he busted out in laughter. I didn't understand until I looked down at the size of my dress.

My face immediately became red with embarrassment but kai's laughter made me feel a bit better.

He does smile much anymore, I cannot remember the last time I heard him laugh

After the war, he came back to a completely different person.

He called off our engagements

He started to take the responsibility of training soldiers

But every so often when everyone's asleep you can find him in the library surrounded by poetry from different corners of the world. He would whisper the words aloud to himself occasionally smiling at whatever beautiful collection of words caught his attention. I won't dare interrupt his quiet time or get into his space because he needed t more than I needed him

Which is why when I saw that witch in his bed this morning I was shocked. He missed our picnic day that he promised so I assume he must have overslept when I opened the door and spotted her laying in his bed without a care in the world my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

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