The Arena pt.2

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He sat their eyes filled with a cold rage

Tied to his chair left as powerless as I

Screams became trapped in my throat with the knowledge that calling out to him would do nothing to improve the situations we are both trapped in

pulling my eyes away from kai's i heard a growl from across the room

His eyes were dark with bloodlust and a smile grew covering most of his face. In an instant, he charged in my direction

I tried to pull my body up but I still felt weak from the poison. I struggled to push my body up until a pair of hands pulled me to my feet.

I looked up my eyes meeting Kent's beat up face

I tried to look strong, confident but I knew he could see right through me

He started walking me back up the chain that had not allowed me to go very far.

i looked back studying the complex chain tied around me feet, however my attention was pulled away when Kent's arms were dragged away from my body

 I watched in horror as he flew through the air. His back smashed against the arena walls causing him to gasp for breath as he fell to the floor.

He hit the floor on his side coughing up blood onto the dirt floors of the arena


My throat burned from my scream. I tried running  to him but the chains tied around my feet threw my body to the floor. a scream of pain escaped my mouth as a few of the small rocked became lodged in my arm.

So distracted by Kent I didn't even realize the monster standing beside me

A large hand wrapped around my arm pulling me off the ground with ease

"Is this who you brought me here to fight?" he roared towards the crowd holding me up like i was an old piece of cloth that he was disgusted with

The arena went crazy. Shouts coming from every direction.

" you should've sent one of the queen's ladies to deal with her" he snickered

The audience laughed along with him

With that, he threw my body onto the floor

Air quickly left my lungs

Leaving gasping on the floor like Kent moments before

The audience cheered at my quick defeat

The monster walked around the arena victoriously

I used all the strength I had left in me to pull myself from the floor. My cheek had already swollen from the impact of the floor.

My body swayed as I stood to my feet

Why did I get back up?

I looked around but my vision had become blurry

blobs of many colors and many sizes stood around me making as much noise as they could. i glanced around trying to make up faces and figures, trying to piece together what i could do.

then i met his warm brown eyes, i could make out the pain that filled them

I don't know why I searched for him but I did.

He sat there looking back at me

My mind fell silent

It was just kai and i

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