The Kitchen

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I could feel the cool water sliding down my face as I marched out of the room.

my hand still felt his heat.

he was burning with rage 

I have never seen him angry

Honestly, it scared me how his eyes turned black and how he displayed no emotion as he attacked Nicco

the only time I saw a slight change was maybe when he kicked me. I was still trying to catch my breath from that kick. 

I know I am stronger than most people if that had been Nicco imagine how he would be feeling.

I think the thing that angered me most was the fact that kai was pretending to be something he was not. I've felt his touch, I have seen how he runs to protect me when I am in danger.

I am nothing special.

I am nothing 

I can't be the only one he does this for. he has a wife who loves him very much. He cannot display this type of behavior to show his dominance. 

I see the way he flinched when they call him his terrible nickname.

a couple of days ago I wouldn't have argued it but now I know he isn't a monster he just pretends like he is one.

I marched around the corner when I was smacked in the face with the heavenly scent.

I had not realized my hunger until I felt my stomach growl

I quickly followed the scent until I reached these large wooden doors. It wasn't as large as the one that led to the ballroom slightly smaller but for some reason terribly heavy.

I peeked my head through trying to sneak in but as the door pushed open everyone's eyes were on me.

these men and women were not dressed in fancy clothes but similar to the clothes I wore back home in the village. loose linin clothes that hung loosely on the body. their clothes were a bit worn out and had many stains, I presume from working.

"h-hello" I stuttered nervously about how they would react to me.

every time I enter a room I've been chased, attacked, and almost killed.

"Madam how may we help you?" a large man in the corner of the room said. he held a big wooden spoon and had a rainbow of stains on his shirt. His face was covered mostly with a large beard terrible covered with a hairnet.

I nearly laughed out loud as the left side of his beard hung out.

"sorry I smelt the food in here and I had my stomach lead me in here."

within seconds someone pulled my hand and dragged me into the kitchen. It was a lady around my age with untamed hair and a lovely smile.

he brown eyes perfectly captured the essence of the bark of trees allowing her green dress to shine through.

" come, come let's get you some food"

she quickly grabbed me a plate and sat me at the table with everyone else

they all smiled in my directions with such kindness in their eyes. I have never felt such warmth.

" my name is Heather! I am the castles entertainer and the big man in the corner is Ceasar the castle chief"

Heather went around the table introducing everyone then she got back to me.

"you must be new, what's your name?"

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