An Almost Magical Beauty

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I followed her

Underneath her body

With every step, she took huge masses of water to follow her. It was supernaturally huge and I was sure it was following her because I felt the earth shift after she left the tent.

Kent tried to ask me where I was going and if I needed someone to follow me through the city but I didn't want too much attention and I had a feeling that she would sense all these men following her through the city

There was something off about this girl; she was hiding something and I had a feeling that this may lead me to something, like the mysterious water beast

I kept a few feet behind us

I watched as she took a far more complicated route but one where very few people were ther. I often saw other maids and housekeepers taking out huge baskets of clothes or little children running around making their own fun. I knew that she didn't want to be seen but it was unsuccessful because even the children would stop in their tracks and watch as she moved through the city

A group of soldiers heading to the camp walked past her hurling insults and making faces, she ignored them and continued walking away, they then saw me behind and quickly bowed in my presence I continued walking away from them just as that strange girl did as well

Everyone wants to be close to the general. More of a chance to survive this upcoming war with the rebels. But they didn't understand that I do not have friends. A soldier is a soldier and I will fight alongside them no matter how dangerous it may be.

Recently they have been getting increasingly bolder in their attacks. Attacking at even the expense of their own lives. They have been attacking villages in search of the dragon as well, reports from soldiers who encounter them in the field say that they will tear through anything to find what they are looking for. They leave nothing but ashes as they leave stealing women and gold from their prizes.

We have been keeping a close eye on them for the past couple of months but recently they have been awfully quiet I don't know what they have planned but I am sure they are going to do something soon and very soon.

I must have been lost in my own thought because I was dragged back to reality when I heard a voice in the middle of a large group of girls, I looked to find the girl I was following but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Our village was flourishing until you arrived here ever since everything has gone to ruin. We cant even marry in our village because you walk around here seducing our men! Once you are gone we will be restored to our former glory"

A younger girl in a beautiful dress similar to the one her sister was wearing spoke very boldly in the middle . she stood tall with confidence only occasionally glancing around to see if anyone would challenge her, none had.

I stepped a bit closer to see what was going on, i wasn't the only one, the once quiet road was now full of spectators and hecklers.

In the middle of the circle, I saw the girl from earlier, the nurse

She stood in the middle with a defensive stance. She was hugging her arms and eyeing the girl who was speaking just now.

On the ground around her, I realized there was a pool of blood forming, I looked back up to see there was a huge slash in the girl's arm.

The other girls stood around her with murderous looks in their eyes. The one in the middle was holding a medium-sized blade ready to strike again at any moment.

This was a setup, it looked as if they intended to kill the girl in front of everyone.

The crowd whispered

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