Kai's Wife?

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I squinted as a soft light filtered through the window.

The sounds of birds flying through the air caused me to shift out of my sleepy state

I don't know if it was because I was tired or if this was a continuation of my dream but the sounds seemed to get louder and louder. I pulled the sheet closer to my body hoping the sound would fade away but they only got louder eventually the door was flung open I heard a piece of rock tumble to the floor from the impact.

The sound caused my body to jump up

I scanned the room to spot a red-faced princess standing in the doorway holding a basket.

"Kai it time for the picnic you promised" a red-haired beauty stood in the door way

Her voice slowly faded towards the end of her sentence when she spotted me

Behind her, a large group of ladies in beautiful dresses stood to watch up each pulling out a fan to hide their poor attempts of whispers.

" Who are you" she spoke a steady voice yet the fire in her eyes could not be ignored

I watched her slowly grip the baskets tightly to her body watch me waiting for a response.

Her hair looked like my burning wood in a fire right before it burned a beautiful bright red full of color which drastically contrasted her pale skin

She had a beautiful plump figure that showed all her curves. I noticed she wore no couset set the rolls of her stomach were beautifully outlined in the sunlight.

I snapped out of my gaze at the beautiful woman when I realized i didn't answer her question

"I am Luna the prince brought me as a guest to the castle"

" Why are you in his bed" my face grew hot when i realized what it looked like

" i-i it not what it looks like miss" i responded quickly trying to explain myself in a rush. I looked around for kai but he was nowhere to be found.

" I don't even care anymore" she stated quickly

She turned and handed the basket to a slim blonde who stood beside her patiently

I watched a beautiful lady walked over to the bedside and sat down beside me.

I leaned away shocked at the close proximity

She only leaned closer slowly opening her rosy lips she smelt of cherry jam and the ocean

" You are only born to be a servant I was born to be kai's wife don't get too comfortable love. He is the powerful bloody prince you are just a pet" she whispered beside me.

She left as quickly as we came in the door slowly closing behind her

Laughter echoed throughout the hall

Leaving only faint scents of cherry jam

My heart felt as if it had been stabbed

Here I am in a completely different country yet still being treated as the same. I quickly got out of the bed pulling the sheets back and spreading to look untouched.

I reached my hand towards the heavens stretching as best as I could. My muscles still swore but I could allow them to remain idle. I may not still be back home but I have my pride and my strength.

My goal today was to find Nova and figure out what to do from here.

I walked towards the prince's wardrobe opening it to find nothing but black training gear. Which were all too large for me to even borrow.

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