The Market Place

869 61 22

Luna's POV

My heart pounded against my chest as the wagon moved side to side down the ling castle road.

The smell of the ocean and its birds felt almost too overwhelming.

It's been about a week since I've been taken to the castle and each day was filled with a new problem, but today would be my chance to explore the isle of light with Heather.

She told me about her heading out this morning

We were eating breakfast together. Everyone was sharing a lively conversation about last night and how fun it was to watch the prince march around. Apparently that the most emotion most of them have ever seen him display

I played with the end of my shirt that I borrowed and altered this morning. My mind went back to this morning. I just never thought the prince would stay by my side throughout the night

So imagine my surprise when I woke up with my head against his chest and our legs tangled. He was fast asleep so he probably had no idea what was going on. When I finally managed to pry myself from his arms which were harder than I thought. It was like he was holding onto me for dear life.

I went through his closet and grabbed one of his larger shirts and fixed it the way I liked it with a pair of ice scissors.

Now I'm here at the table with my mind still on this morning

" luna!" I heard a voice snap

It was Heather

The entire table was staring at me

"What happened," I asked feeling like I was missing something important

"Gosh girl you were miles away" Heather smiles causing me to smile back

"I was saying you have something white sticking out of your headwrap love"

I reached up feeling for whatever was stickling out but it was just a strand of my hair

" that just my hair don't worry about it"

"Your hair" the Ceasar repeated

" yes my hair is naturally gray" saying that I pulled off my head wrap releasing my wild hair to everyone at the table

I looked around and no word was said

Ceasar's jaw hit the bottom of the floor and Heather had dropped her fork in shock

"W-w-what's wrong," I asked glazing around with my eyebrows pulled together

"That not gray that's silver"

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"

"Now I understand why the prince keeps her locked up"

"Should we steal it"

The entire table spoke at once reacting to the hair on my head

I knew it wasn't normal. Rosie always reminded me toi keep my hair wrapped because it was unnatural and abnormal.

"I know its a lot that why I keep it wrapped up, "I said trying to smile away the harsh memories

I pulled the piece of cloth back up ready to rewrap my head until a small hand stopped me

He was a young boy about 13 or 14

He had dark curly hair and even darker brown skin.

"I like it like that ma'am"

His hands were callused and far torn up than mine

He must be working here for his family

With women not being allowed to work most jobs, young boys had to go help their father make wages and take care of the family

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