C H A P T E R// S E V E N

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The weekend had no sooner been and gone with Maeve only appearing for lunch and dinner otherwise she was sleeping. While the boys in the other hand were up to no good as usual followed with the other marauders.

It was early Monday morning that Sirius was sat laying on Remus' chest in the early sunrise with the light trickling in through the velvet red curtains of the Gryffindor boys bedroom.
"Do you think she actually likes us?" Sirius said in his morning voice before craning his head to look up at the scarred sandy blonde.
"I think so but we have a lot of time to get her to be with us I assure you, as stubborn and bratty as she can be she will come around" he said while burying his head in the darker haired boys neck and laying butterfly kisses before humming out in light pleasure.
"We have to get up breakfast is in 45 minutes sorry love" Remus said in his ear while shifting him off his lap and onto his bed.
"Tease!" He called after him but not before causing James to roll over and grumble completely forgetting he shared a room with him.
"please we've talked about this no shagging in the same room have some decency I have to live here too" Sirius snorted out loud.
"sorry mate" before dodging a pillow coming towards his head.

They got dressed and headed down being met with the figure of the little blonde which was unusual as she was usually later and less awake nevertheless they joined her at the table this time followed by James and Peter.
"Good morning beautiful" Sirius greeted as she looked up at them and only gave a small smile in return as they sat down.
"You okay sweet pea?" Remus asked raising a brow as she nodded at him before yawning causing him to chuckle.
"Morning lowland how's things?" James piped up not too far away and being polite knowing she was Remus and Sirius' girl
"Not too bad how the obsession with lily coming she still not noticed you?" She giggled at the boy who was clearly pining after the redhead who sat a table over with her friends Marlene, Alice and dorcas.
"Could you not be so loud? and no she looks right through me and I can't wrap my head around it, must be a girl thing I guess" he said huffing before turning to fill his breakfast plate.
"Well maybe grow a pair and privately and politely ask her out for the next trip to hogsmeade you've got to start somewhere casual dumbo" she said mocking the boy as he threw her a dirty look but knew she was right.

"We've been telling him this for months" Peter said from the corner as Maeve almost didn't realise he was there she politely nodded at his statement as two pairs of eyes watched her keenly.
"Fine. maybe I will but if it goes wrong I'm coming after you lowland" the Potter boy remarked with a huff.
"No you bloody well won't even try it" Sirius piped up quickly with a bizarre look on his face as Remus gently patted his shoulder shooting him an odd look. Maeve was puzzled and a little caught off guard by the gesture and his comments nowadays the things they said to her here and there didn't add up. Sure they were sweet and meaningful but confusing as she had no idea behind their true meanings and intentions behind it all.
Little did she know she was soon to find out...

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