C H A P T E R // S I X T E E N

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Pent up

As usual a slow day for the three passed by dreadfully slowly but for some reason at that precise moment that day that was particularly unspectacular changed completely with thanks to one particularly boring class that even Remus had to admit he was beginning to doze off.

And as per usual it was Sirius that came out with the most random thoughts and words at the best of times, but with the absence of Maeve in this herbology class his mind wondered away. But his next words were enough to certainly bring both boys back into the room.

"What if we took her on a date?" Sirius spoke sitting up from his position of being laid out on his desk and propping his head up to face Remus who was slumped over a minute ago now fully faced him with a slightly puzzled expression painting his face.
"Okay? I mean I'm on board with this idea but probably not the best time to plan this." He said rubbing his face.
"Or maybe it is?" Sirius spoke with a grin painting his face causing Remus to roll his eyes.
"Fine I'll bite. What do you have in mind." Sirius' whole demeanor changed from half snoring a few moments ago to him now planning out whatever was going on in his brain it baffled Remus sometimes but he gave him credit some of his ideas actually worked.

"So we plan her something simple to romance her. Something she loves. Something simple but fully of gestures." He said grabbing a pencil he had tucked away somewhere and beginning to scribble on the back of one of the parchment hand outs from the lesson.
"She likes flowers and all that girly shit so I say a picnic, candles, chocolates the lot. Simple but sweet right?" He said beginning to jot down random words that came to mind.

For once it actually sounded like a pretty good idea to Remus until the next words came.
"And then we can talk about the sexy stuff and really romance the pants off of her." Which swiftly earned the boy a smack round the back of the head from his counterpart.
"What? We need to talk about it." He whisper shouted rubbing the back of his head while Remus scoffed.
"We're not propositioning her like that it feels weird. We need to wait a bit longer we haven't even discussed how it's all going to work out pads take it down a notch yeah?" He said shooting him a look that said 'I care and I agree',
"Fine no sex. Your boring." Sirius grumbled turning away from moony but before he could a hand wound itself around his thigh with a firm grip.
"I think you get plenty of sex it's just not enough for you sometimes because you get greedy" Remus said dropping his tone lower and casting glances between Sirius eyes and lips.

"Speechless black?" Remus leant over to whisper, hearing his heartbeat speed up slightly and his breathing quicken slightly.
He knew how to push Sirius buttons better than anyone, what he liked and what he loved and sometimes it was the risk that spurred him on especially in these moments of boredom.
"No point hiding it I know you want to impress her but she's delicate. Whereas I know your not. You enjoy a little bit of pain here and there but we don't quite know what does it for her so." He paused his words drifting his hand higher up Sirius' leg towards his hardening dick.
"We need to take it slowly and once we know, she will know. Get it?" He finished finally gripping his length through his trousers and squeezing gently to get his point across.

By this point Sirius eyes were closed relishing in the feeling of Remus hands on him and knowing just how to touch him,  but it was also unfair because he knew Remus would always have some degree of control over him in his heart and mind but also over his body, it was something both thoroughly enjoyed and hoped to introduce Maeve to in time. His heart beat sped up thinking about Maeve in this moment and how she would fit so perfectly to them both while also enjoying his boyfriends touches especially in such a place where all it took was for someone to even look back at the two to know what was going on but his brain began to overtake and he cared less and less.

"Remus please." He said biting his lip,
"Wait till later and we can talk about it. I can feel how wound up you are." Remus warned him still not relenting his touch and intentions.
"Fuck that I need-" before he could even divulge anything further the sound of the next period bell rang out and the feeling of Remus hands left him cold altogether. An annoyed groan fell from him before he slumped over onto the desk meanwhile Remus laughter rang out beside him while he gathered their stuff.
"Come on Maeve is waiting outside." Remus said patting his back patronizingly
"Piss off" he mumbled before he stood up to fully face him.
"Look I promise we will talk about it later" Remus called to him while walking backwards out of the room with a shit eating grin plastered to his face. 

(A whole new chapter filler with pure wolfstar smut? le gasp!)

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