C H A P T E R // S E V E N T E E N

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"Hey bubble butt." Sirius called behind her.
"You know. If someone heard you speaking to me like that they'd consider it sexual harassment." She joked waiting for him to catch up to her pace towards the great hall for dinner.
"It's not harassment if you love me." He sang slinging an arm around her shoulders and grabbing her hand.
"Where's Remus?" She asked looking up at him.
"He's just grabbing something from Minnie really quickly he'll meet us at dinner." He said kissing the top of her head.
"You give that woman too much grief I feel sorry for her." The girl said shaking her head at his usual wind up antics but at the same time it was something she adored about his was that he always had a sense of adventure and trouble.
He of course laughed at that before shaking his head.
"If it was really that serious I'd have been kicked out a long time ago babydoll that's the way it is I think deep down she really loves me." He waggled his eyebrows at her with a stupid grin on his face garnering a laugh from the girl as they continued the pace to the hall.

"Alright pads? Lowland?" James spoke up from behind before the pair felt another arm join theirs across the shoulders.
"James get off." Sirius said giving James a dirty look.
"I thought we were besties. And besides I'm allowed to tag along to places together so deal with it. Your cool with it aren't you lowland?" James spoke looking down at Maeve with a cheeky grin on his face.

But by now she was smart enough on how to play along with the boys.
"But what would lily think seeing you clinging onto another girl?" She said playing up that she would be shocked or horrified and as soon as he words left her mouth his arm promptly shot off the pair as if he'd been burned.
"Yeah. Yeah good call lowland. Good call." He coughed awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets, after a minute both Sirius and Maeve burst into laughter at his idiotic expense.

"A little birdy told me the other day that Lily isn't friends with snivellus anymore, so you my friend might just be in with a chance there." Sirius spoke as Maeve promptly elbowed him in the stomach for gossiping and the nickname the marauders has enforced on the slitherin boy.

Sure he was unpleasant and unsociable but she disapproved of bullies and often reprimanded Remus and Sirius on the way they spoke about him.
"Well actually said little bird was Dorcas but that's neither here nor there. Point is-." Sirius spoke looking over to James who was puzzled.

"I get it Pads but to be honest I've had this weird though recently that maybe she just wasn't that into me." He said his eyes now downcast and a sad look sort of broke on his face. It was evident that his little crush wasn't so little and he felt that.

"You actually got the hint for once." Remus said jogging up to the trio ahead laughing under his breath and Maeve also tutted and sent an elbow to his midsection when he was close enough to her.

"Maybe it's not all bad news James. Maybe now that she's not around snape she might notice you, just be respectful." She said trying to comfort the boy as they finally navigated towards a bench in the great hall only now with Remus attached to her other hip.
"Easy for you to say you've got two boyfriends, and I can't even get her to take me seriously." James said looking back at the girl and pointing between the two beside her at which his comment caused a flush to break out on her face.

"James it's not like that. I mean look it's different you just need to talk to her like an actual human being. Maybe stop being so jamesy sometimes and dial it down?" Remus spoke up on Maeve's behalf. But also for the fact that he didn't want his best friend to put his foot in it for them after all they haven't put a label on their dynamic let alone properly talked about it and most importantly he didn't want to throw Maeve in at the deep end with such a scary expectation of 'boyfriend - girlfriend'.

She seemed thankful for Remus' interruption but also something at James words caused such a sensation in her chest it hurt because of the awkwardness of the B-Word drop so early on but also maybe it was a sense of something else she couldn't quite figure out either way she was unsure of this newness but it didn't deter her but never the less she was thankful knowing that either had her back at all times even when it came to their friends.

Just a short chapter filler but also my goofy ass forgot to actually upload this in order so oopsie.

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