C H A P T E R // E L E V E N

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The next morning when they woke up to a little curled up figure in the middle of the shared bed with Sirius rolling over first and cuddling them both closer to him before hearing a little whimper from the girl in the middle but ignored it as she was still sleeping. But soon enough when she woke up, a red runny nose and whiny attitude gave away the fact that Meave was sick and whenever she was her two knights in shining armor swooped in to take care of her at any opportunity just like how this morning turned out.

As the morning progressed and the two boys decided against facing classes today especially as she was sick and saw it as their duty to care for her until she was better.
That was of course when she complied.
"Sweet girl I know you feel yucky but I think we should get you a nice warm bath and then tucked up in my bed and we can cuddle you till you're all better." Sirius said softly stroking her sweaty hair line as she muttered out an 'uh-huh' . He let out a breath and grabbed a hair tie knowing that it was going to get messy.
"Come on babydoll up" she bundled up more under the covers giving him the cold shoulder.
"baby you have 5 seconds to get up or I'll pick you up and you go into the tub clothed or not that's up to you all I want is for you to get better" as she let out a little sob and dragged her body over to follow him he hummed and patted her bum reassuringly.
"Good girl come on I have the lavender bubble bath you love" as he lead her into the bathroom in their dorm.

As Sirius ran the tub a voice called out.
"padfoot? You here?" As he stood up ruffling the sick girls hair as she leaned back against the toilet seat waiting for her bath water to run.
"In here love just helping out little bug." As Remus soon trailed into the bathroom looking over at the slumped and drained form of his favorite girl.

"oh no not a sickly baby. Poor bubs I'm going to go dig out that cardigan you love and get some water and flu capsules from madame pomfrey and I'll be back so fast okay?" He said kneeling down to her height she nodded but not before leaning forward and resting her heavy head on his shoulder.
"miss you" she quietly muttered where he nearly missed it "I missed you too sweet girl" as he rubbed his hand on her back before peeling himself away and offering to help get her in the bath.
"Okay puppy clothes off" as Sirius approached to remove the slightly damp clothes from her tired body she whined, he knew she was self conscious but absolutely beautiful to him and Remus. As he undressed her he resisted getting a close look at her small frame as much as he'd love to it could most certainly wait until she was better and ready and so he focused on the situation at hand.
"I know bubba it's okay you are absolutely beautiful and we're here to look after you no matter what. Now in we get" as he lifted her slightly to be among the lilac bubbles where she was mostly covered to save her the embarrassment, even though they both loved how she was for every line and curve on her body she was an angel in their eyes nothing more nothing less.

"lean back babes, that's it you can close your eyes and float" Sirius spoke softly as he smoothed her hair back and sat on the floor of the tub as Remus leaned on the door casting soft glances at the two before setting off to get his little one what she needed.
"I'm back and I have it all out on the bed" he said gently as he grabbed the grey flannel and rinsed it with cold water to run over her face to cool her off.
"Hello pretty baby how we feeling?" He said sitting beside her head where she could look at him.
"Better but still gross" she sniffled out as he tutted and heard the other boy begin shuffling slightly closer to lean his head on his arm that rested on the tub. As he saw the bubbles clear on a small area of her tummy he began to draw small circles on it making the girl giggle and a smile to adorn both their faces at the first time of making the sick girl smile today.
"Come on then love it's getting cold and we need to bundle you up" Remus said as he picked up the towel and began to wrap it around her when she stood up before picking her up carrying her into the main dorm room to get her cozied up between them in the hope to get her feeling right as rein again.

(My PCOS flare up gave me a lot of free time to start the re-write process plus who doesn't want a little loving when they are sick am I righttt? ❤️)

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