C H A P T E R // T E N

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The kiss

As promised a few days later Remus was discharged from the hospital and accompanied by the marauders and the extension of his favorite little girl, who he'd noticed been more attached he pair.
Not that he or Sirius complained but the more the truth was closer to surfacing.
Most of the times between classes and even meals she'd either sit in the bed with him which was more likely or on the chair with whatever occupied her at the time, Remus felt content with this unspoken arrangement and saw that even though she didn't need words when she was around them she cared a lot about both boys.

As the night drew in on the castle Maeve felt strange.
Usually she'd fall asleep in the wing with both boys around her or at least one of them till she was moved to somewhere comfortable and she'd grown to not like not being around them and so she'd set off on a small mission.

The door to the bedroom occupied by four boys slowly opened by a certain little blonde who was searching for some comfort from two particular boys who slept unknowingly of her presence.
She padded towards the bed second from the window and looked down at the shaggy brunette who slept with his mouth slightly open as she let out a small giggle.
"Sirius.....Sirius....." she shook him gently as he groaned and rolled over squinting and rubbing his face in confusion.
"hmmm? Puppy is that you?" He sat up facing Maeve who stood in cute light blue PJs fidgeting on the balls of her feet.
"What's wrong baby doll?" She bit her lip and mumbled
"I couldn't sleep" he said nothing else but instead pulled back his red bed covers and patted the mattress space next to him, as she giggled and hopped into the warm bed nestling herself against the body producing warmth as he soon wrapped his arms around her,
she settled down to drift off not before a third body soon joined behind the girl. "Move up a little sweet girl 'wanna get cozy with my two favorite people" she let out a little giggle as two sets of hands lightly trailed her knowing how ticklish she could be, they no longer needed the warmth from the small wood burner but having each other this close gave them all the warmth and soulfulness they needed. As the youngest and smallest of the trio began to drift off the other two stayed awake for a little while after just watching her and casting small glances at each other wordlessly, as she rolled over to one side seeing Remus staring at her while lightly twirling strands of her hair in between his fingers he watched her face intently but not before looking closer at her lips wishing so badly he could kiss them.

While she on the other hand had an internal battle whether to kiss both boys and play dead or to just relax the thought made her restless.
"What's wrong pup I can see your head is going a mile a minute tell us" Sirius said leaning up and propping himself on the headboard looking down at the two and lightly smiling at his own thoughts and dreams.
"It's nothing it's just silly" she said yawning.
"You sure?" She nodded and pressed her back more into Remus and his warmth as he curled into her too.
"Okay sweet girl we need to get to sleep okay?" He whispered in her ear and she nodded and at a last minute she rolled around to face him and as she went to peck his cheek he moved meeting her lips for a brief second before she rolled over quickly and decided to kiss Remus on the lips as quick as possible before burying her head in the pillows.

Both boys froze.
"Doll face?" Remus said in shock as they both looked at each other as she giggled while burying her face,
Sirius had an obvious and dopey smile on his face while his fingers brushed his lips at the moment while Remus was in pure shock and love.
"Well seeing as the baby is now asleep we will have to deal with her tomorrow" Sirius said as he ran his fingers down the girls sides as she squeaked, as both boys laughed and began to settle down a forth voice in the room decided to speak up.
"Are you lot fucking finished? I have Quiddich tomorrow and a date with Evans I need my beauty sleep. the rule of no shagging in the room still applies" James groaned out before going back to snoring.

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