C H A P T E R // T W E L V E

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As they both concentrated on getting her feeling normal and healthy again a few days later Maeve was able to go back to lessons,
While leaving her froth period class for lunch one which she didn't share with the other two boys who she usually adored, Remus soon approached her coming from one of the upstairs classrooms he smiled warmly at her before grabbing her bag off of her shoulder and walking down the corridors to sit in the courtyard.

"Maeve can I talk to you for a moment?" Remus spoke hesitantly what made her freeze was hearing her name come out of his mouth, usually he'd call her all the little pet names that made her happy.
She nodded shuffling over to him
"You okay Remus?" She said looking at him with eyes filled with care and worry as he smiled slightly,
"Everything is okay little bug I just wanted to talk to you about something and I'm just not sure how to bring it up." He said looking at his hands Almost timidly "it's okay you can talk to me about anything remmy" she smiled as him as he looked at her pretty face before taking in a breath.
"For some time now I've felt a certain way about someone and I don't know how to tell them because I'm scared they won't feel the same" he said gauging how she'd react.
"What about Sirius?" She looked at him slightly puzzled as he took another deep breath.
"Well he knows and sort of feels the same way. We both do about this one person." He crossed his arms over his chest looking her up and down while she bit her lip in thought.
"So how does that work?" He chuckled "ultimately if this person feels the same it would be like sharing and providing love and comfort between three people who understand each other it's a lot to explain but." She gasped cutting him off.
"I get it it's like one of those threesome thingys Sirius tried to show me once it was a little strange but I think I get it" she said brightly as he went bright red in the face
"Almost baby doll it's more to it but-" soon the noise of someone running broke him out of the conversation.

Sirius came barrelling down the corridor followed by James and Peter after antagonising Lucius Malfoy and his group of goons near their common room,  and as per usual there was retaliation in the form of some nasty words or even a fight which had occurred more then once.
"I'm gonna hex you black then you'll be sorry!" Malfoy called running after the laughing boy.
"Good luck you blonde prissy little prick!" He hollered back laughing.
"Blood traitor!" They called as the three usual suspects ran down another winding corridor with the Slytherins still in pursuit twisting down one particular corridor and seeing Remus and Maeve stood talking, a smirk broke out on Sirius' face as he slowed down to come up behind the girl as she stood in the corridor.
"Well hello there gorgeous!" He called grabbing her hips causing her to jump. "Don't do that I hate that" she pouted facing him while also noticing the other two in their group but also the Slytherin boys who'd followed in pursuit for some reason.
"Nice one black she looks like a good shag for a mudblood" Lucius smirked approaching closer but not close enough for someone to punch him.

His words made Sirius' face drop and his blood boil.
"What did you just say about her?" He paused his pursuit letting go of Maeve to spin around and face Lucius and the two other boys with him.
"I didn't stutter black, not unless you're going deaf" he said approaching Sirius and looking down on him in such an arrogant way.
"say it again one last time just so I can clarify that before I beat the shit out of you" he laughed cracking his knuckles.
"I said nice sha-" he was cut off by a fist hurtling towards his face thrown surprisingly by Remus lupin himself who'd been nothing but a bystander until he chose to insult his boyfriend and interrupt his moment with Maeve
"No but I heard you loud and clear you dick" Remus said while punching him in the face again till Lucius hit the ground taking Remus with him while Sirius laughed at Moony being known as the pacifist of the bunch, not before grabbing Goyle who had soon tried to step in for his comrade only to throw a punch to his ribs before total chaos followed. Crabbe and the other two goons with him soon started a full on fight with James and soon Peter with Maeve stood in shock on the side lines.
"MR BLACK! MR LUPIN!" Called the disgruntled voice of Professor Mcgonigal trying to break up the fight.
"BOYS!" She said as they all froze even the slytherins at the sound of the professors call.
"My office now!" She said sternly as Sirius stood up driving one last kick to Malfoys ribs before declaring he was done and grabbing the girls hand before marching off head held high to Minnie's office.

"I don't suppose you want to tell me what happened in the corridor?" She said sighing pinching the bridge of her nose as they all stood in a circle in her office looking rather proud of themselves
"Well it started with a harmless prank-" Sirius began as the older witch scoffed .
"it's never harmless whenever your name is mentioned Mr Black" he snorted.
"Well it was for me anyways, we were going back to the common room and they followed and then they threw insults to someone who wasn't even involved-" she promptly looked to the hufflepuff girl stood a little behind the group with her head facing down and fidgeting on the spot.
"I take it was you dearie, otherwise you'd be elsewhere right now correct?" she said gently snapping the girl out of her day dream nodding at her words.
"Very well. What was said?" She spoke to the group before lupin spoke up.
"He called her a mud blood even though she's not she's a half blood but just because he's a pure blood racist and he thinks-" As Remus began to rant angrily at the fact someone dared to insult her he was swiftly cut off by the professor who was rather shocked herself to hear that Remus was the one to speak so boldly.
"Well. thank you Mr lupin I understand seeing as that may be for the fact I will be issuing you all except miss lowland with one afternoon detention with me" as the boys looked at eachother and shrugged.
"Very well off you go now and don't start" she said dismissing them with a sigh.

"I think that went rather well in the end. detention isn't so bad?" Peter spoke before being scoffed at by the other three as Remus wrapped his arms around Maeve in comfort.
"Are you okay?" He whispered into her hair gently as she nodded wrapping her arms around him too still slightly somber from the insult as Sirius looked at them with a warm smile before they went back to the gryffindor tower.

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