C H A P T E R// F O U R

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Maeve almost always tried to keep away from trouble but some how trouble always seemed to find her in the forms of Remus lupin and the infamous Sirius black, no matter where she went or what she did she couldn't escape from the teasing and antagonizing but at the same time she couldn't help but secretly love the attention that they had doted on her since third year. She always been a wallflower of which her mother always pointed out and made a fuss about, mostly her lack of social capabilities and that she needed to 'put herself out there more'.
whereas Maeve herself preferred to keep her head in her books and stay where people couldn't see her or so she thought.

On a Thursday afternoon she had a study period in the library as usual she'd sit in the same corner of the room by the window that looked out into the court yard that backed onto quidditch fields, accompanied by her piled up books and parchment hoping to achieve something in the few hours she'd be there.

After around 25 minutes when the room fell into a comfortable silence that Madame Pince requested was short lived as it was disturbed by the thundering of footsteps and ruckus that had ultimately barreled in known as the Marauders. 

She was in a world of her own and Remus could tell just by the stars behind her blue irises he adored as he punched Sirius in the arm, his gaze soon fell on the very person he was scanning the dusty old space for knowing he'd never dare step a foot into this place otherwise, they nodded and soon approached her table.
"We'll leave you two alone to get some pussy. Come on Pete I see evans and McKinnon over in that section let's go and sit with them" James remarks and Peter snorts at the speckled boy's comment as Sirius kissed his teeth at the remark before they set off to sit with their girl.

She was broken out of her trance by the thump of a bag on the huge dark oak table in-front of her making her jump like a rabbit, her eyes soon snapped up to two the two usual suspects.
Sirius was leaning on a bookcase looking at her with his stupidly handsome face and style that could only be described as his own much to his head of house's annoyance and Remus standing by a vacant seat across from her with his usual sweet demeanor.

"Hello there sweet pea" Remus said looking down at her
"Hey there. you realize you guys are super late right?" She said as she leant her head against her hand propped up on the table looking up at them, Sirius cleared his throat
"It's fashionably late darling don't you know that with us by now? and besides it was in my best interest to be here eventually well if it wasn't for Moons who had to drag me here by my ear but c'est la vie" He shrugged pulling out one of the chairs and propped his feet up on the table as he sat down.

Remus' lip quirked up as usual around her as he pulled out the chair besides him but not before pushing the other boys feet off the table tutting at him like a mother hen
"Hey!" Sirius said being met with shushing from the librarian
"Sorry" the other two whispered on his behalf.

"So what have you been up to today Shortcake?" He said to the blonde who glared daggers at him
"currently trying to do my transfiguration homework which is something you should be doing too might I add" Looking up at him and shooting him what she imagined to be a dirty look as Remus snickered at her remark.
"I plan on doing it at some point but I was hoping to copy off of you doll" he said looking at his fingernails in disinterest while flicking his eyes to the girl.
"No you bloody well won't. do it yourself you won't get anywhere doing that all the time" she huffed putting her quill down to stare at the interruption sitting in-front of her
"Look I'll help you but I won't do it for you deal?" She said as he side eyed Moony and grinned.
"You've got a deal princess" Remus cleared his throat
"have you prepared for the advanced potions lesson with slughorn on Monday?"
She nodded looking up at him and humming a 'yes'
"have you?" He nodded as he continued to read his muggle studies book while flicking his gaze between the little princess he so longed to baby and dote and the child he called his boyfriend who still refused to put in any effort of the study period.

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