C H A P T E R// T H R E E

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Pet names PT2

"Hey peaches!" Sirius called with Remus on his tail walking towards the familiar blonde on their way to the Great hall for lunch. She paused in her stride pivoting to face the dark haired boy running up to her side followed by the quieter mousy brunette that had the usual warm smile plastered to his face whenever he saw Maeve or even Sirius.

"that's a new one why peaches" she asked tilting her head looking at them like a puppy which Sirius found adorable and would definitely use as a nickname in the future.
"Because you're small, warm and fuzzy like a peach, 'peaches' " she paused pulling a face as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders making her seem smaller than she already was much to her slight annoyance.

"I don't like that one I'd rather you called me Bug or something"she said quietly while slightly pouting and feeling his warmth plastered to her back but both boys heard her and chuckled at her
"I thought you hated that one too?" Remus finally asked catching up to the pair who got the usual odd looks from other students
"I don't really mind it I guess it's grown on me......sort of" she shrugged biting her bottom lip adjusting her bag on her shoulders
"well that's a first" Sirius remarked sarcastically, only to be met with a swift elbow to the ribs from Remus.
she giggled lightly at the two and detached with slight protest from the boy literally dangling off of her shoulders before sitting down once again with her in between them as they grabbed food.

The scraping of a fork on the metal plate beside her brought her out of her day dream, her head snapped up to Remus who was reading the daily prophet while slowly eating, oblivious the other boy sat staring at her while he stuffed his face as if he was starved.

Sirius looked down at her plate
"you need to eat more little lady you have two more lessons today before dinner and I don't want you hungry you are too little to go hungry" he said to her as she turned in her seat to him shooting him a confused and mildly dirty look almost offended.
"what's that supposed to mean?" She asked with her arms folded in protest, as he looked to Remus for help to either back him up or for him rescue him from one of his many slip ups.

"What he means to say is that you need a little bit more energy to go on so you don't get too hungry before dinner sweetheart. The last few times that happened you gorged yourself on my chocolate and didn't eat a proper dinner" he said softly giving her a reassuring smile as she softened her gaze and turned back to Sirius.
"I don't want to be too full up on food though" she mumbled while pouting slightly trying to manipulate her way out of him inevitably talking her into eating more.
"Well in that case just have an apple and some strawberries for me then I'll leave you alone okay dollface?" She bit her lip and nodded her head oblivious to the loving looks she was getting from them either side.
"Good girl" he replied giving her one of his infamous smiles that she secretly loved.

They had soon finished and encouraged her to take an apple from the centre of the table display and come to the court yard with them like usual. They made sure to be on both sides of their little lady so she would always know they were there with her plus by this stage it was natural.

Sirius grabbed her wrist gently and dragged her to sit down on the grass by the oak trees near the archways to the clock tower,
but not before he sat himself down comfortably on the grassy bank before pulling her haphazardly into his lap causing her to squeak and blush before attempting to wriggle away slightly.
"Not today little birdie you are not going anywhere" he said poking her ribs knowing she was ticklish, making giggles bubble from her throat as Remus sat down to join them on the warm spring day. He enjoyed watching the pair of them laugh and play around together plus it allowed him to spectate the two people he held dear having such a mundane but beautiful moment together weather she knew it or not.

"That's enough let her breathe" as convinced Sirius to let up his attack so she could catch her breath her eyes caught Remus' watching her intently with a look that she could only imagine to be love but, she soon brushed it off as she re-adjusted herself so her head was in Sirius' lap and legs across Remus to watch the clouds over head.
The three soon fell into a comfortable silence with the girl softly humming at the light touches that ran through her hair and the soft breathing she felt on her legs as they enjoyed the spring of their fifth year together.

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