C H A P T E R // E I G H T

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Entering the usually cold and slightly damp dungeons of the potions classrooms set Maeve on edge for some reason and what was worse was Sirius and Remus weren't there as her source of comfort which deep down she adored.

The classroom was filled with a small number of students from every house and as always dominated by gryffindor and slytherins who were always in petty competitions but sometimes she noticed Sirius partaking in these silly quarrels and a member of the quidditch team for his house but she couldn't like he was a damned good beater and often her and Remus would be in the stands watching him play and fueling his classic ego, but today she felt the separation without them.

The lesson began with professor slug horn lecturing as usual about the importance of this class and how it would benefit us and then soon came to what we would be doing today and drawing the attention to the front of the room where he stood a bench with three cauldrons each containing a different concoction he was soon going to explain and answer from their essays they'd been set a week ago.

As he summarized it he looked around to pick on a student to see if they'd actually been paying attention and done their assigned work his eyes laid on a certain hufflepuff who'd tried her best to hide herself but it didn't quite work.
"Ah Miss Lowland if you'd like to come to the front and tell everyone what you can smell in the third cauldron and what it is -" he paused waiting for her answer as to what the concoction was.
"amortentia Sir" she muttered
"Well done Miss lowland now tell us what you smell" Professor slughorn said heartily as she went a violent shade of red, she shuffled forward unsure as he nodded towards the last small cauldron that sat on it's stand imposing almost
"I can smell musky cedar wood it feels homely and safe, the woods after it rains and chocolates?" She finished looking up at the professor before darting her eyes to the pair at the back of the room who had seemingly somehow slipped into the room unnoticed, but were both intently set on the small girl.
"Very good Miss lowland" she slowly walked with her head down and baby steps in her head she began to know what or mostly who she smelled in that potion confirming a lot of things.

Once the lesson had ended and neither boys had approached her she felt slightly awkward in all and raced out the classroom as fast as she could but not quick enough as she made it down one of the many arching corridors she felt herself being lifted up gently by her waist.
"What have I said about running around like that when you know how clumsy you are sweet pea" Remus' usual scolding manner had shocked her as he gently set her down still not moving his hands from her waist only to turn her to face them both expectantly.
"What's the matter doll? What happened back there?" Sirius had caught up with the pair as she seemed to grow slightly grumpy and slightly agitated.
"I don't wanna talk about it" she said still saying to break away for some distance.
"What have I said about whining? and No we're gonna talk about it because I think we all know what happened" she huffed and stood her ground
"No" she said and tried to walk off
"Oh no that's not gonna work like that little girl let's go" Sirius spoke growing antsy with her behavior she displayed like a toddler and so he picked her up and flung her over his shoulder to take them to a more private space to talk.

she wriggled around on his shoulders shouting at him to put her down that instant.
"Are you gonna walk with us?" He said pausing for a second for her to answer him she shook her head 'no'.
"Well then I suggest you close your pretty mouth until your ready to be a big girl and talk about your feelings and what's going on" as he climbed up the steps to the astronomy tower Remus followed with their bags and a slight erection at the sight in front of him, the girls cotton underwear decorated with small flowers he found adorable right in front of him. He resisted many things that ran through his head at the opportunity literally in his face as the other boy carried her on his shoulder still wriggling and shouting at him.

"Now then are you ready to talk?" He said setting her down and grabbing her arms gently to face him as she shook her head slightly teary eyed at the whole ordeal.
"What's the matter Princess why don't you wanna talk about it? we know what happened. Are you scared we're gonna judge you?" She sniffled and looked down at her shoes shuffling and refusing to look either one of them in the face. "Are you? Because we'd never do that I promise you and you know that" Remus spoke coming up behind her without pressing himself too close to make his 'little' problem become apparent.
"It's okay to feel a certain way baby all we want is for you to talk to us whenever your ready and we will be waiting and understanding to however you feel but if it's anything bad you need to let us know so we can talk it out and solve it you know that don't you honey?" He said gently as she looked between the two of them and nodded taking a deep breath in at his words of affirmation.
"Okay I promise" as they both slightly smiled at her
"Okay Baby now give us both a hug and then we can find out what's next on today's timetable and forget about this." and she did. feeling their warm bodies and the sincerity in their words to her and setting aside her hesitant thoughts.

maybe they do like me but I don't know it's still silly of me. Or maybe not?

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