C H A P T E R // E I G H T E E N

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Once every fortnight on a Friday Remus was called for a prefect meeting on the third floor and for the three it usually meant that Sirius and Maeve had time to just relax in the boys dorm as James would be off with lily, not that she could bare to be in the same room as him and Peter would usually be in the kitchen getting into something.

And so Maeve made it her mission after final classes that night she'd grab her little tote bag with some stuff she'd need for the night and her comfy PJ's and set off to camp out in the boys dormitory for the weekend.

As she knocked on the familiar wooden door, the sight on the other side she wasn't prepared for
As Sirius opened the door he was topless only in a pair of black boxers and nothing else as he leaned into the girl who went a shade of pink.
"Hey baby you just missed him but he sends you hugs" the brunette spoke pushing the hair out of his face before sweeping the girl up into his arms and carrying her to his bed throwing her onto it sending the girl into a fit of giggles he adored.

"What can we do tonight?" Sirius asked as he sat on the bed picking his nails while Maeve sat in front of him looking through a muggle romance book lily had gotten her a while back.
shrugging her shoulders at the boy, he huffed before getting off the bed and turning to his wardrobe and began rummaging through his clothes with disinterest written across his face.

While Maeve hummed some random rock tune she'd heard from one of Remus' many vinyls she couldn't help but peek up at Sirius as he began pulling on a skirt she'd brought a while back because she thought it would suit him. And she was right, suit him it did she couldn't help but look at the expanse of muscle that moved on his torso as he adjusted the checkered skirt just below the shadow of V-lines at his hips she couldn't help but have a few dirty thoughts at this before he spoke up breaking her out of her trance.

"Do you think I look good in this?" Sirius spoke looking at himself in the mirror while running his hands down the length of the pleated skirt that hung low on his hips.
As Maeve looked him up and down she smiled up at him from her position on the bed while nodding.
"It suits you for sure but it's missing something" she said before standing up and going over to his jewelry box in the corner of his dresser and fishing out a chunky waist chain to attach to the loops as well as a small pearl necklace before handing them to him as he looked at his reflection
"Now it's perfect" she said as she came up behind him wrapping her arms around him and hugged him as he wrapped his arms around the ones on his waist
"Thanks baby doll" he turned to face her and kiss her forehead.
"so are you ready for our date tomorrow?" As she nodded enthusiastically.

In truth she'd been waiting the whole week for this first date since the boys had invited her as just the three of them and she had no idea what they'd planned but none the less excited to be with the two she cared about the most.

"Good, so all I'm allowed to say is that you should dress comfortably and bring nothing but your cute self to the courtyard at 12am on the dot. You got that doll face?" He said as he twirled a strand of her hair before dropping it "yep" she replied with before yawning, He chuckled
"Tired baby?" He said softly as she nodded before pushing her head into his chest and humming.
"Come on then let's get cozy for bed so when Remmy comes back it will be super cozy" he whispered kissing her head and patting her bottom as a signal to go and get ready to snuggle up together when the other got back.

As she trotted off to the bathroom Sirius began stripping down to put a pair of Remus pajama bottoms on, as he pulled them up the door to the dorm opened and shut.
"Hey handsome." Remus spoke coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around him just how Maeve did moments ago.
"Hey. how was your looser meeting?" He joked receiving a scoff and an eye roll from Remus.
"Fine nothing that important" he shrugged beginning to kiss up Sirius neck causing him to chuckle at the sensation left behind, before he could go any further the door to the bathroom creaked open slightly allowing Maeve's small body to slip through.
"Remmy!" She squealed out in delight at seeing him.
"Hey baby girl." He said meeting her in the middle to pick her up in a bear hug, which sent her into a fit of giggles that caught on.
"It's cozy night Remus don't get her riled up." Sirius said playfully as he crossed the room to his bed to pull back the covers.
"Since when were you the responsible one?" Remus shot back before pulling a face at Maeve which didn't help the situation.
"Since I'm tired and I want my two favorite people. So please change out of those stuffy robes and join us. Right sweet girl?" He spoke to Maeve who nodded humming a 'yes' before sliding into the bed and right into his waiting arms.
"Two against one I guess." Remus shrugged before complying anyway. At least in his defeat he'd get a comfortable nights sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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