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Killua and Aizawa made their way to UA, Aizawa leading the way. Not that it was neccessary, Killua already memorized his way to UA from his little tailing the day before. Once at the principal's office, the door swung open to reveal a little furry white mammalian. "Ah, eraserhead! I'm assuming this is the boy you've told me about?"

"yo," the young boy greeted nonchalantly, "Why am I here again?". The principal grinned from ear to ear, and anyone would be lying if they said it wasn't creepy. But again, Killua was used to that. I mean, Illumi was the very embodiment of "creepy". 

"Why I'm glad you asked! Come in, take a seat!," Nezu lead them into his office and had them seaten on a sofa he sat in an armchair. "Hello, Killua! I'm Nezu, the principal of UA! Eraserhead here has told me a lot about you!" he said in a cheery voice.

"Pfft," Killua was holding back a laugh, "Eraserhead? What kind of name is that?". Nezu smiled again, but quite pleasantly this time, "That is Aizawa's hero name! Heros have aliases for the public to refer to them by".

Now, Killua was full on laughing. Aizawa rolled his eyes, and Nezu was just smiling. "HAHAHAH wait- AHAHHAHHA- ERASERHEAD?" 


It took quite a while for Killua to calm down, much to eraserhead's dismay. They were now serious, and the pale boy had his resting poker face on. "Killua, it has come to my notice that you are no ordinary boy, despite being quirkless," Nezu started, "I have also come to know that you know the use of knives and guns. I would like to make it clear that in here, you need a police license in order to use these weapons."

Killua scoffed. "Fine by me," his eyes narrowed at Nezu, "But as far as I know, not all people are born with quirks, am I wrong?". "Yes, you are correct," Nezu answered, with a pleasant smile that Killua really wanted to smack off his face. "Then, how do quirkless people defend theirselves?"

Nezu and Aizawa seemed to contemplate on what to answer, as if they have never thought about it themselves. "It's not fair, isn't it? Aizawa couln't even trust me to go out of his house because of these so called 'villians' of yours, so how do the defenseless survive?", Killua butted in, adding more fuel. He was mad, on behalf of these quirkless people in this dimension he never even met. He knew what it felt like to be weak. Sure he could be called 'overpowered', but he wasn't born that way. He was born weak, he was forced into training all his life. It was torture. He wasn't bullied or anything, instead he was adored by his family, obsessed even. But he knew what it felt like to have no support. He had support, to be an assasin, but he didn't have the support to be a normal person, what he always dreamed to be. Barring Alluka, but even she was snatched away from him back then.

"There are little to no quirkless people," Aizawa stated, "Not everyone can be saved anyway. What if the people with powerful offensive quirks obtain guns? They will be too powerful. Especially if they are villians."

At this point, Killua really did want to smash some skulls. He probably would've done that already if it weren't illegal here and Aizawa was what they would call a 'pro hero'. He would be lying if he said that they weren't being logical, it was true that some people might abuse the use of it, it's not like anyone could obtain guns in his world, either. But what angered him even more was that he said not everyone can be saved. They wouldn't even let them save themselves? He knew they couldn't do much, and it was just the cruel world. But it didn't mean that he was happy with it. So he decided to do what he could. And that was to annoy them till no end.


"Killua, you need to under-"






Helloo! Sorry this one was kinda rushed lol, I haven't uploaded in quite a while and I just remembered to publish when I got wattpad notifs hehe


- van.

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