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The class entered the USJ, and was then greeted by thirteen. Odd name, Killua thought to himself. The pale haired boy honestly couldn't understand why hero names were so cringey. take all might, for instance. He's heard all about all might in the few days he's been here, and honestly? That hero name was begging for trouble. Flashy aliases? A literal taboo in the assassin's book. But who was he to complain? It's not like it affects him, so he'd suck his pet peeve up and just deal with it.

Everyone was wearing their hero costumes, and again, they're a tad bit too flashy in Killua's opinion. But everyone seemed to pull it off well, so he wouldn't complain. Killua, on the other hand, was wearing his black band tee and ripped jeans, as his hero costume wasn't made yet. No way was he going to wear that tacky gym uniform. Honestly, how was he going to improvise something as unfashionable as that? While the pale haired boy was listening to thirteen's explanation as to why all might wasn't present and dozing off at the same time, he felt a weird aura. No, it wasn't a nen user. But his assassination techniques were kicking in. "Stop." he said out of the blue, grabbing everyone's attention as everyone turned to see the pale haired boy, who's eyes were darting around the facility. Before anyone could question him, he continued. "Something- someone's here. Around the center of the facility," he said, voice stone cold and serious.

"What do you mean? There's no one he-" Aizawa was cut off by surprised gasps from the students, who were eyeing the center of the facility, a dark ball slowly forming. The pale haired boy got into a fighting stance, eyes cold and trained on the slowly forming ball. "Uh, is this a part of the training?" Kaminari asked, voice wavering and unsure. "No. It's not. Everyone stand back!" Thirteen said, stretching a hand out. As the ball got bigger, figures stepped out of it. Albeit, a whole bunch of them. For a second, the pale haired boy thought maybe it was part of the training, and they said it wasn't, to test their critical thinking. However, judging by the fact that Thirteen told them to stand back, a protective stance visible, and eraserhead having a fighting standby stance mirroring his own, he doubted it. Once the dark ball disappeared behind them, Killua activated his En to check the amount of enemies present. "They're all spread around the whole facility, there's around 10 in each natural disaster site, and there's roughly 53 of them in the center," Killua said aloud, knowing only his teachers and classmates could hear him. Aizawa and Thirteen were quietly surprised by Killua's capability to stay calm and even count how many of them there were, when the two adults themselves were internally panicking, thinking about the class' safety. However, they didn't voice it.

The rest of his classmates were scared out of their minds, and were staring at Killua when he told them the statistics of their situation. "Someone might separate us to the natural disasters place. Stay as close together as possible," Killua said quickly, knowing they didn't have much time until their opponents would make a move. That's when a man with hands all over his body and face spoke up. "Where is all might? He was supposed to be here!" he said, frustrated. Oh. So that's their objective. Kinda stupid, telling it loud and clear. But oh well, not like the guy was here anyway. It was then when Aizawa was running down to take the 53 villains head on, telling Thirteen to protect the students. Honestly, did he not listen to Killua's warning about being separated? Stupid decision, really. Didn't even try to make a plan. The pale haired boy clicked his tongue and shook his head disappointedly. All his classmates gasped as Killua disappeared from where he was standing and appeared right beside Aizawa who was running speedily and had like a 3 second headstart. Killua slowed down to Aizawa's pace when he was beside him.

"What are you doing! Get back to Thirteen!" Aizawa hissed, not even thinking about how Killua was doing all this. He was in charge of class 1A, and he couldn't let Killua get injured. It's is duty as a teacher anyway. "Shut up. You're an idiot. I said they were going to get separated anyway. Even if you are strong, you're outnumbered and you know it." Killua said pointedly as Eraserhead dodged attacks, knocking out a few villains with ease. Everyone back at the entrance were gawking at their teacher with awe, but that ended once Killua knocked twice the number of villains out in the same time. That's when there was a sound from behind them, a warp gate user showing up, and class 1A was dealing with their own fight.

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