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"What do you mean not suitable?" asked the pale haired teen. He's already made a scenario in his mind that the purple haired teen in front of him had what people called a quirk 'unsuitable for heroes'. Honestly? He was mildly pissed that people would even think like that. But hey, he wasn't absolutely sure. Plus, he wasn't from this world. He could do the 'justice' act all he wanted as long as he was here, right? Wrong. It's not in his blood. 

The teen with eyebags looked at him, keeping his darkened face. A face the pale boy has used countless times himself, he must admit. "Don't act stupid. All you talented people with godlike quirks with no problem to get into the most prestigious hero highschool should know that we GenEd kids are the lowly peasants with godforsaken quirks," he bit out. Killua just looked at him, face not giving away anything. "Hey, this might sound absurd, but I kinda got hit by a quirk that made me forget some stuff, and not others, then got warped in front of UA," Killua started, leaning against a nearby wall, "And I know I've been isolated most my life, so," The purple haired teen eyed him suspiciously. Was this stuck up hero course student just going to tell me his whole damn life story? But he didn't voice his thoughts as he heard the pale haired teen's next words. 

"But something that I know, is that I don't give a damn about quirks." The purple haired teen rose a brow. "Oh? How so?," he asked, he decided he'd hear him out. He had nothing better to do anyway. Besides, well, lunch. But he thought he'd humor the pale boy, as unlike him as it seemed. 

"Well, take me for instance," Killua continued, "I'm in the hero course, and I'm quirkless," the pale boy shrugged. The purple haired boy's jaw dropped. Surely, he was kidding, right? All these years he had been told about his 'villianous' quirk, and now this random hero course student he's never seen around just simply told him he's quirkless. ".. what?" "You heard me, I'm quirkless. Having an unsuitable quirk doesn't mean you can't train your body," Killua continued. For some reason, he hated the way this mysterious purple haired GenEd dude portrayed his own quirk. And that shouldn't even concern Killua. 

"You mean.. I can be a hero?" the purple haired boy asked cautiously and sheepishly, as if he thinks he's being tricked. Made fun of, probably. By being given false hope. But to his surprise, Killua just shrugged, "If that's what you want, sure."

"I- Killua, was it?" he asked. The pale haired boy hummed in response. "... thank you," he muttered lowly, but thanks to the pale boy's good hearing due to his past career, he heard it. He grinned, looking at the older teen in front of him. "No prob, uh-" "Shinso. Hitoshi Shinso." The pale haired boy nodded fondly. "Shinso."

"You're a first year, right?" Shinso asked, "You look pretty young..". "Yeah," Killua responded, "I'm fourteen, got in from a test the rat man of a principal gave me." 

"A test?" Shinso raised an eyebrow. "What kind? Didn't you say you were quirkless?". Killua nodded, "Yeah, wanted to test my abilitites. Told you I got hit by a quirk, then got warped in front of UA. I was pretty shady, I don't blame them for suspecting me as a villian or something. But anyway, I beat some ass, and got into the hero course. Apparently." Killua continued, "By the way, Shinso, what did you mean by unsuitable quirks? Told you I was isolated most my life. Dunno much about others." Shinso's mood soured slightly, but he replied anyway. "Well, some quirks just aren't as.. strong as others, you know? Some quirks even make people look down on the owners of the quirks," he hesitated to continue, but he did anyway. "My quirk's brainwashing. I can control people's actions when they give me a verbal response. It'd be useful for villians, so people just.. dubbed me one," he said. This is it. The only person that had actually given Shinso hope was going to go away. Never talk to him again. Be disgusted. 

But that's not what Killua thought. "Ehhh?? That's so cool! Would've made my life so much easier," he mumbled the last part, so that Shinso couldn't hear it. Shinso was dumbfounded. "You're.. not scared?" Killua shrugged. "Well, it's not like I'm under your control now, aren't I?" he chuckled. At this Shinso smiled. Not a strained one, but because he was actually pleased. He's never had anyone talk to him after figuring out his quirk, save for his extremely supportive parents. Let alone think it was cool and okay

"So," Killua said in a much lighter voice, gesturing to the tray in his hands,"Lunch?"



Andddd they're friends now :D

Haven't uploaded in 3 days so yeah uplading now

Totally forgot about this story for a bit there so here's another part :')

- van.

Another World [ an HxH x BNHA crossover ]Where stories live. Discover now