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It was still lunch time, and KIllua found himself sitting with 'Hitoshi the mega insomniac memer', as Killua would describe him as. Honestly? They were having a blast. The pale boy grew rather fond of the older teen, though nothing could ever beat the comfort of his green haired friend and raven haired little sister back in his dimension. Killua used the same old quirk excuse to learn more about these memes Hitoshi's been laughing at. Honestly? Killua found them hillarious too. Vines? Count him in. They spent most of their lunch laughing their heads off at them, as they weren't eating at Lunch Rush, instead they spent their lunch outdoors on a bench near the doors leading to the GenEd department.

"And then, there-" the pale haired boy was cut off by a loud gasp a few feet away from the bench they were goofing around on. He turned around to see none other than the tape dispenser elbows, Sero. Killua raised a brow, "What?" he asked. Sero looked between Hitoshi and Killua, jaw hanging open. "Ki-llua? You- you're-," the black haired boy sputtered. 

"I'm what? Hanging out with my friend? What's so weird about that?" the pale boy's eyes narrowed, and Sero finally gained composture. "No, nothing's weird. It's just- We always thought, I mean, well, it's only been a day, but uh, I guess you could say we always thought you were like, emo?" he stated. Well, it sounded more like a question, but you get the point. 

Hitoshi snorted at this, earning a playful glare from the younger teen. "Good to know you guys think I'm a depresso," Killua smiled at Sero, who laughed it off. "Well, I'd better be off. See ya at class?" he asked. "Yeah, see ya," the pale haired boy waved. Once the teen was out of sight, Hitoshi flashed a tired smile, "You know, you do come off as cold, you know?". Killua chuckled, "Yeah, I know damn well I do," he smiled.


After school, again, the pale haired boy found himself surrounded by his classmates. Honestly, when would they stop doing that already? "Hey Killua! I heard from Sero that you're not this stone cold emo dude. Sorry for assuming, that was so unmanly of me!" Kirishima said in a rather upbeat tone, earning a nod from the pale boy. "Sure," he looked up in the direction of the spiky haired boy. "By the way, I was wondering," Sero started, "Who was that boy you were with?"

The pale haired boy looked back down at his bag, which he was packing to go back to Aizawa's. "Shinso. From GenEd department." he stated, throwing his bag on his back, like one would do to a sack of potatoes, or a towel. "I'll get going, see you people tomorrow," he said, flashing a small smile. One would have to be blind to not be able to see how poor Denki's shoulders relaxed a whole lot, a huge sigh of relief from his lips. The blonde teen wouldn't know what to do if he was on the bad side of an actual emo cold guy, but at least he was a little more safe, wasn't he?


The doors of Aizawa's house flung open, revealing none other than the pale haired boy who just got back from school. The boy knew he was alone in the house, since Aizawa was still at school, probably in the lounge grading some papers, or something like that. So, Killua decided he'd take a quick shower. 

After the shower, he got back into his clothes he'd worn since he got here. He really did need some clothes, didn't he? He remembers Nezu giving him some money, so he went over to the guest room, where he was staying. He took the money he placed on his table and went out the door. 



Anddd that's a wrap! I think this is kinda another filler chapter (?)

anyway i might not upload in a while but i'll try to

- van.

Another World [ an HxH x BNHA crossover ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz