Chapter 3 - Addiction

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After that day, I became more alone than ever. I missed Kokichi and the time we would spend together, after all, he was the best and only friend I ever had. Despite his strong message towards me, I couldn't help it... I was once again left behind by someone I loved and trusted. I knew he would come back eventually, but the loneliness eventually overwhelmed me to the point I became unaware of how deep I had fallen.

I was still absorbed into Danganronpa, and with Kokichi being gone, my addiction became even more intense. I would start skipping school to watch it, trying to escape the loneliness, trying to escape the pitiful and boring life I was living.

And then, they announced the auditions for the 53rd season. There would be singular auditions and directly after they'd have chosen the participants, the game would start, meaning the show would actually start airing very soon.

The thought of participating never even crossed my mind; I was never the type to throw myself into dangerous situations after all.

Until I had a talk with my uncle.

I had come down for dinner that day. I was sleepy and very tired; I was barely sleeping in those times, ignoring sleep to watch Danganronpa and write deep analyses on it.

"Shuichi, we need to talk."

Just as I was about to go back upstairs with my food, I turned around to face them. "Is there something wrong?" I muttered. My uncle's golden eyes shined with worry, taking a glance at my aunt, who's brown eyes were equally filled with the same concern. "Shuichi... you're different. This show... it's ruining your life. And you don't even realize it. I'm sorry Shuichi, but if you don't do anything about it, we'll have to do something about it, for your own good." My aunt looked at me. "You're a kind young boy Shuichi, and we want you to have a bright future... you're like our son to us, scrap that, you ARE our son. And as your parental figures, it's only natural that we worry for you..."

I remember the realization I felt that day. It was like no other.

I fell down on me like a wall of brick that collapsed. They both made me realize how unhealthy this obsession became.

I vaguely remember those moments, since everything passed in a blur. I only remember running up to my room and passing out on my bed.

When I woke up the next day, it was the afternoon. I was confused, but then everything came tumbling down like the night before. How pathetic I'd became, how I had disappointed the only people left who cared about me, how disappointing Kokichi would have been; I was panicking.

I couldn't continue living this way anymore. And then, a wild thought passed through my head; what if I participate in this season? You may think; what the hell?! Didn't he JUST say he couldn't live like this anymore? Well, my thinking at the time was very different.

I thought that if I participated in the game, my pitiful addiction would disappear. The personality the game would create me would overwrite my current pitiful one and make me a better person, even if it meant I had to go participate in the horrible show.

Another thought also crossed my mind at the time; I would also finally find friends. He would just have to request a charming, nice and calm personality that would attract loads of people, and he could then be friends with everyone, as well as helping them through the trials.

How amazing would that be? I thought.

And so, I went to audition for the game. I told no one, leaving during the night, to meet at the Team Danganronpa building, 3 hours from here. Thousands of teenagers stormed the place, pushing each other to get in line to eventually get an audition.

After hours of waiting anxiously, it was finally my turn.

I had to convince them to take me, to make me one of the participants.

I walked on the wooden floorboards, the heels of my shoes echoing in the silence of the vast room.

"Present yourself, your audition number and tell us what role you would like to be in the game, as well as the personality you would like."

"Number 154, my name is Shuichi Saihara. I've always been a huge fan of Danganronpa and..."

I hesitated for a slight second.

"Always wanted to be in one! And if I were a contestant, I would want to be... an Ultimate Detective. I know there's been a few in the past and I've always loved those characters... s-so I would want to be one of them! A-ah! But I don't have to be an Ultimate Detective! I'll be anything to be part of the show. And I mean... anything! I'll do anything to be part of Danganronpa! I promise, if I get selected, I will work as hard as I can!"

I took a deep breath and, with all the acting skills I learned from my years of watching people betray each other, put on masks of lies and an horrible act in front of others, I pushed a mad grin on my lips, looking directly at the judges. Their eyes widened a little from the sudden change in emotions.

"I will come up with the best, most gruesome murders, I promise! Everyone will LOVE it! And an Ultimate Detective hasn't been a blackened yet, so I'm sure I can do that! Plus, I came up with the most terrifying punishment for an Ultimate Detective, crushing lies and betrayal, how despairful would that be!"

I topped it off with a deranged giggle, similar to the one of a certain popular white haired man of this serie.

"Hmmm, interesting. You sure are interested Mr. Saihara. What grade are you in?"

"I'm a 3rd year, almost done with school."

"Perfect. Please exit through those doors and wait in the space behond that. Food and drinks have been laid out for you to take while you wait for your results."

I nodded, still keeping the sinister grin on my face as I headed to the doors.

I entered a small common room, which had a few dozens of people in it, drinking and eating together.

I didn't even dare to let down the act, as I headed to the table. People stared at me, giving me weird stares. It was horrible, I hated being looked at this way, but I had fo keep up the act, in case there were cameras in this room. I took a Monokuma shaped donut and a cup of water, before taking a seat in a chair.

I pulled my cap down, avoiding the stares I was getting, deciding to focus on my food.

The stares, the loneliness, the awkwardness and my hurtful addiction would be gone soon.

The wait felt like it lasted forever. A man came in and started calling people to get out of the building. And eventually, as you may expect it now, I was the only one left... with another girl.

We were both the last ones in the room when all of a sudden, the man flashes a big smile at us.

"Congratulations! Both of you have been chosen to participate in the 53rd season of Danganronpa! How are you feeling?"

The girl squeeled.

"Omigosh! That's so cool! Wow! I can't wait to see what kind of Ultimate and personality I will get, of course, I will only get to see it after the game, but still! This is so cool!" She was drooling, her hands were gripping her hair as if she was going to pass out. I internally cringed and put on a smile.

"I can't wait to see the murders and executions." I said with a grin, pulling my hat down over my eyes.

"This is the spirit! Now, go to sleep for me! See you all in a few weeks!"

Two men suddenly launched themselves at us and stabbed syringes into our necks. I remember blurred voices, before all I could see was pure dark.

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