Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry

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After a few minutes, I calmed down, slowly wiped away my tears with my sleeve and stood back up. Pain coursed through my entire body as I slowly let down my bag onto the desk; well, my desk now.

I slowly unpacked the very few things I had. I only brought the personal effects they gave me, the clothes I had when I auditioned and my old phone. The others also all had their previous phones, except that theirs were wiped clean. The production said these were new phones but I recognized Kokichi's; it was the exact same one he had, so it had to be his old one.

They also gave us all money, around twenty thousand yen each, which wasn't a lot if we wanted to live here for a while. Luckily, the production had given most of them the proper personal necessities, including clothing. Well, to everyone except me. They'd only given me the bare minimum, knowing I would have to go get some stuff back at my uncle's.

"I could maybe go work for my uncle too, to get some money... that is if he wants me back."

The production told me I was allowed to work, knowing the small budget they'd given us wouldnt last forever, but I had to wear a little microphone on my clothes doing so, this way they could hear what I was saying and monitor me. I also couldn't tell anyone else I was working or this would possibly encourage them to do the same thing and "affect their fragile mental health".

I took a deep breath before laying down on my bed.

Exhausted, I slowly drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


It was Saturday.

I yawned, before sitting up on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to check the time.

4:04 AM

"It's this early...?" I mumbled.

I sighed and stood up. Ignoring the pain coursing through my body, and especially where Kaito had punched me, I made my way to my drawers and took out my old clothes, which were the only other clothes I had. Luckily, they had been cleaned.

I held them under my arm and then grabbed my cap, which was sitting on my nightstand, and put it on my head.

Finally, I headed for my door.

I had to go take a shower.

I opened the door and peaked around, making sure no one else was awake. I couldn't bare to face anyone this early in the morning.

Slowly, I made my way out and walked towards the bathroom. When I got there, I closed the door and locked it, sighing.


After my shower, I put my clothes on, brushed my teeth and hair, and went back to my room.

I put my other clothes away and grabbed my phone, before heading out again, this time for good.

It was still pretty early, so I figured I should do something before going to visit my uncle.

That's right... I decided to visit him today...

He must have been worried sick. I feel really bad for not telling him about it and leaving without a word.

I quickly headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. The giant fridge was packed to the brim with many different things. I decided to take a simple orange juice box, an apple and a piece of bread, before sitting down at the table.

I ate in silence. The house was completely silent, the others were probably still sleeping and would be for a while. I heard them talk until pretty late in the night.

They were all gathered in the room next to mine and they played lots of games, from truth and dare, to spin the bottle "with no kissies", as Himiko called it, and even tag. I heard them run throughout the entire house like excited children.

The Mastermind's Lies | Mastermind Shuichi AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang