Chapter 6 - Betrayal

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I entered the dark elevator, anxiety filling my entire body, along with the rest of my equally nervous classmates.

Maki placed a hand on my shoulder from behind, making me jump out of surprise.

"We will discover who's the true Mastermind and get out of here, I promise, Shuichi. And I'll help you the whole way."

I smiled warmly under her words, forgetting for a quick instant what I was about to do.

I didn't say anything and just looked down, staring at the floor, wishing I had my cap with me.

"Shuichi! We will all be in your hands! I trust you with my whole heart!" said Keebo, a hand over his heart.

I still didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the floor. I saw Keebo's eyes frown in worry for a slight second at my lack of reaction, before he looked away.

We finally arrived at the bottom, at the class trial room.

The room had changed; it was bigger, brighter and even more threatening. The pressure was suffocating and I felt like passing out.

I tried pumping myself up, telling myself that after this, everything will be over and I will be able to go back to my family to explain what happened to them and life will go back to normal, but it didn't work.

I gulped as I took my place. The room seemed empty, with all the portraits filling the empty places.

Then, the debate began.

We talked about Rantaro, about his Ultimate Talent and the fact that he had the Survivor Perk. They also exposed the Sixth Monokub, the Nanokumas, which I was surprised they'd found out about when they told me about it earlier.

Then, we opened the Rantaro case again. Maki had found the second shot put ball that had fallen in the Mastermind's room. They had noticed the little speck of pink fabric on it. I quickly told them that it wasn't her who had killed Rantaro and that it had to have been the Mastermind, since the doors were closing when we came in the room.

They all agreed and moved on to try and uncover the Mastermind's true identity.

The air was tense.

Everybody gave their alibis again. Tsumugi was in the dining room, Keebo was in his room alone and Maki was with Himiko and the others.

And I was supposedly with Kaede, but they knew I was separated from her and was alone for a little while.

"But Shuichi didn't have the receiver with him, that's what Kaede said, so it definitely can't be Shuichi!" said Himiko. I sighed. "Actually... that was a lie. Kaede was lying about this the whole time... I had the receiver."

They all looked at me. "Huh? But why did she lie about that?" asked Tsumugi. "I think that's because she wanted me to realize what she was doing." I said, feeling a little sick in my stomach, thinking about all she went through just because of me. "Yeah, that's what she said too, right?" started Keebo. "Plus, I couldn't be Shuichi, you're probably the less suspicious person in the whole thing!" he finished. "Yeah, Shuichi's been carrying the class trials since the beginning, so he's out of suspicions." declared Maki.

I gulped again, feeling a lump build up in my throat.

"So then, who else could it have been?" asked Keebo. Everyone pondered in silence.

"Actually... Tsumugi, didn't you say you went to the bathroom when all of that happened?" asked Maki.

"Ah! Yes that's correct, b-but just as I reached the door, I bumped into someone. And u-um, that someone was..."

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